by Kate Etue | DIY, Doing Good
With Thanksgiving looking so different this year, we’re really trying to focus on gratitude and gratitude activities, so that we’re spending more time feeling, well, thankful, instead of resentful. With my own Thanksgiving family plans cancelled —...
by Liz Gumbinner | Doing Good, Tips + Tricks
You might have heard, but there’s this election coming up in the US on Tuesday, November 3 and it’s kind of a big deal. Not just because we’ll be electing the next president, but a lot of Senators, Members of Congress, and important local and state...
by Kate Etue | Doing Good, Kids
Raising money for UNICEF at Halloween has become a tradition for many of our readers and their kids, and it’s a cause we’ve supported since the very beginning of our site. That’s a long time! So we’re thrilled to announce that this year, even...
by Kate Etue | Doing Good
One of the proudest badges of participation in our democracy that we can wear is the little I Voted sticker after we walk away from the polls on Election Day. But this year, so many more of us are casting absentee ballots, voting by mail (which is safe!) or dropping...
by Christina Refford | Doing Good, Tips + Tricks
I know that this year, a lot of teens, including my own 17 year old, are even more motivated to get out and do something to impact November’s election. But for socially conscious teens under 18, it can be frustrating that they can’t make a difference at...
by Liz Gumbinner | DIY, Doing Good
Well. This certainly has been an interesting start to Anti-Bullying Month. After four years of strife, anger, division, hatred, bullying…I can safely say that parents are tired. I know I’m tired of apologizing to my kids that they have to grow up seeing...
by Liz Gumbinner | Doing Good
“My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed,” Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said in a statement to her granddaughter before she died, this past Friday. I have been so saddened and yeah, troubled and angry since...
by Kate Etue | Fashion, Doing Good, Kid Style
You may have seen the news this week about the new labels in Patagonia shorts. Just four words appear on the underside of the labels: Vote the a**holes out. This isn’t just cheeky resistance; Patagonia is a company that’s always stood up for the...
by Christina Refford | Fashion, Doing Good
If the continued interest over Michelle Obama’s lovely “Vote” necklace from last month’s speech at the Democratic National Convention was any indication, many of us are also eager to promote our voting rights loud and proud, this critically...
by Liz Gumbinner | Doing Good, Art + Decor
By now, I think our readers are aware that that creating more equity and representation for Black Americans across every industry is one of the most impactful ways to dismantle racist systems. So as a fan of original rock portraits — and of organizations that...