by Liz Gumbinner | Food + Recipes
This week we found ourselves unexpectedly in need of a grill at a summer rental. We didn’t want to invest a fortune–we apartment dwellers can’t quite throw a few steaks on the grill in the middle of our living rooms. So I just love the idea of this...
by Stacie Billis | Food + Recipes
The start of blueberry season has arrived, calling for easy, fabulous blueberry recipes that make delicious use of the little blue dynamo.Grab several pints–since it’s peak season, you’ll need some to nosh on naked (the berries, not you) then use the...
by Stacie Billis | Food + Recipes
The best party recipes for occasions like the Fourth of July, are simple party recipes that allow you enjoy the celebration too. These festive treats are just that easy. You can even have little ones help with the prep work, while older kids can make some of these...
by Stacie Billis | Uncategorized
It’s no secret that my Cool Mom Picks cohorts and I are fans of the smart folks at Martha Stewart. (And it’s not just because they’re fans of Cool Mom Picks, too!) So you can imagine how excited we were to learn that they’ve launched a free...
by Cool Mom Team | Father's Day Gifts
Gourmet gifts make great Father’s Day gifts for any dad, at least in our families. It’s hard not to be thrilled by a little something sweet (or salty or sour or beer-y) to go with that sentimental card. Here, a few tasty Father’s Day picks for the...
by Stacie Billis | Food + Recipes
Mothers Day brunch is one of my favorite traditions. However ever since having kids, Mother’s Day poses a conundrum. I want it to be my day, which means not doing anything for anybody, but I also want to treat my own mama, and that requires some effort.The...
by Stacie Billis | Food + Recipes
Whether you’re hosting a seder or awaiting the Easter bunny, one thing’s for sure: you’re about to be knee deep in hard-boiled eggs. Recipe alert! Here are 5 deliciously clever ideas for enjoying all of those eggs, once they’ve completed their...
by Stacie Billis | Food + Recipes
Got the winter squash blahs? Now that big mama nature has sprung spring on us, we get to look forward to a wider variety of fresh vegetables at the market. My favorite way to celebrate the bounty of Spring is to make homemade veggie chips. And I’m not just...
by Stacie Billis | Food + Recipes
Cake pop mania is going strong! Cute cake on a stick. Yes, please. Made popular by baking genius Bakerella, cake pops are now everywhere, from every food blog (I dare you to find one without a cake pop post) to Starbucks. When cake pops look so pretty, who can resist?...