Protecting yourself from sun protection

Protecting yourself from sun protection

Keep your eyes on the EWG website for the latest Environmental Working Group sunscreen recommendations! The headlines are everywhere: Not only is the sun hurting you, but your sunscreen is now a partner in crime. Whether you fear nanoparticles, retinoids, or hormone...
Snack, wash, dry, repeat

Snack, wash, dry, repeat

I’ll never be the eco-mama who reuses plastic wrap or gives up the soft toilet paper for the stuff that feels like newspaper. Mostly I look for small changes I can live with, and one of those has been cutting down on my reliance on disposable plastic snack bags....
Sweet slippers for your special sprite

Sweet slippers for your special sprite

Up until now, I thought of kids’ slippers as a blah winter afterthought or last minute stocking stuffer. But once I saw my own little fairy stomping around the house in these Pixie Slippers from Organic Echo, I realized that they’re not just foot warmers....
Tools for those a little green around the grills

Tools for those a little green around the grills

Yes it’s kind of a cliche that all dads like barbecuing and therefore all need grill tools for Father’s Day. But at least in my family, all the dads do like barbecuing and need grill tools for Father’s Day, so there. I love the look of all the...