by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
We’re a book family for sure. If I’m ever short on a gift idea, a book is always a home run provided it’s suited to the recipient (i.e. I’m not getting my sigOth the new Sex and the City book). With Father’s Day fast approaching (T minus...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
I love the idea of snatching up a Molskine for Father’s Day. The little pocket journals famous for having been used by the likes of Picasso and Hemingway are just perfect for dads and granddads with a lot on their minds – whether they’re writers,...
by Cool Mom Team | Kid Style
Every year we fall in love with the idea of the kids surprising dad in a cool daddy tattoo tee on Father’s Day. The most hard-core, manly man, I-only-watch-Steven-Segal-movies papa will melt at the sight of his beloved progeny avowing their love for him in 100%...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
It’s not that we’re entirely averse to giving ties for Father’s Day, it’s just that for dads who wear ties to work, it seems a little…perfunctory. But for the hipster dad that doesn’t have to sport the cravat daily, we love the idea...
by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
Feminism and other gender equality issues aside, I’m more than happy to relegate the grilling to the sigOth. Men just have some primal need to play with fire, and I’m more than happy to let them. My guy would totally love Grill Charms, which is a smart...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
We all know that dads dread bad Father’s Day ties and golf shirts just as much as we dread carnations and generic store-brand chocolates. But sometimes, thanks to lack of time and/or brain cells, we grab what we can, sign our kid’s name to it and call it a...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
With all the great frank and funny mom books out there, it’s about time someone came up with an equally entertaining daddy alternative. So we were tickled when we found out that Robert Wilder, well-known writer, columnist, and dad of two, had done just that. In...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Father’s Day is upon us, and why punish Dad with another bottle of Brut (by Faberge) when you can blow his mind with the Sonos digital music system. The logic behind this nifty piece of hardware is simple–most men have secret plans to completely wire your...