Guilt free snack packing

Guilt free snack packing

I know, I know – we keep featuring reusable snack bags! What can I say, there are so many to choose from these days. Our job is just to pare down the cool ones for you, and we’ve got a couple more options for you, whatever your own personal lunch packing...
These will make your lunch

These will make your lunch

Packing kid lunches is one of my least favorite things; rummaging for useable plastic food containers and matching them to lids that have migrated between several shelves (yes, plural. In my house, it’s an Issue) is a misery. And I’m about to start...
Some like it hot, some like it cold

Some like it hot, some like it cold

We’re lunch packers around my house, but when there’s no microwave to heat up anything, it makes it challenging to pack the hot lunch my daughter would beg for. Too bad we didn’t have new Crocodile Creek insulated food jars, now at mom-run boutique...
This travel cup suits me to a tea

This travel cup suits me to a tea

I’m not a coffee drinker. (I know, I know, there must be some part of the mom gene that I’m missing.) Needless to say, I kind of feel left out in the mornings when everyone else is sipping a fancy latte or iced coffee at the school drop off and I’m...
Snack, wash, dry, repeat

Snack, wash, dry, repeat

I’ll never be the eco-mama who reuses plastic wrap or gives up the soft toilet paper for the stuff that feels like newspaper. Mostly I look for small changes I can live with, and one of those has been cutting down on my reliance on disposable plastic snack bags....
A good reason to Dwink up

A good reason to Dwink up

I’m still not sure why parents with white couches and white carpets put juice boxes out at their children’s parties except maybe, they like a challenge? A few years back we discovered the awesome Dwink Boxes which keep kids from squeezing the middles and...
A cooler cooler

A cooler cooler

I still use the soft cooler that I bought 10 years ago to lug around bottles and baby food for things like fruit, yogurt and juice pouches. But there is no doubt that if I were buying one now I would look no further than the Cooler Bags by SoYoung.I love the neutral...
Showing the juice box who’s boss

Showing the juice box who’s boss

We use juice boxes pretty sparingly around these parts but their convenience at times trumps the sticky hands and wet shirts that come when my kids squeeze the box before it hits their mouth. Or, let’s face it, the entire time they’re drinking.But now that...