by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style, Tips + Tricks
My sister lives in Brooklyn and had a baby girl in June. I know that her living space is very limited and I am having trouble finding cool gifts to give to the baby. I was wondering if I could get suggestions on things that would be cool as well as functional in their...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion
I know it’s exorbitant. I know it’s indulgent. But when I saw the handmade solid gold globe charms from Heather B. Moore jewelry recently, I just fell in love. You can customize them with teeny diamond (or two or ten) in a spot you choose, which is just...
by Cool Mom Team | Toys + Playthings
Personally I’m a fan of the Deglingos dolls, though I understand the quirky hedgehogs and crazy-eyed lobsters aren’t everyone’s cup of stuffed animal tea. But the brand new Woodours bears from the same French company, Ebulobo, I’d imagine will...
by Cool Mom Team | Art + Decor
One of the most common questions we get is from people looking for gifts to celebrate a second or third-time mom. She doesn’t necessarily need all new blankets and clutch toys, but still a little something to acknowledge the happy occasion is called for.I was...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
I’m constantly on the lookout for fun little gender-neutral baby gifts. (I mean, what is it with all these moms who “want to be surprised” anyway? Can’t everyone be as impatient as I am?) One of my favorite new finds are the adorable...
by Cool Mom Team | Food + Recipes
When I first had a baby, I kind of thought that a baby feeding set was one of those silly, outdated keepsake gifts that sits on the shelf. As it turns out, my toddler and my four year-old still fight over the “teeny spoon.”Because you know, all things...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
We’ve always thought that the personalized baby tees from Little Uni make the most thoughtful little $30-ish baby gifts – which is also why they’re featured so prominently on our 2009 Baby Shower Gift Guide. So it’s nice to see this mom2-run...
by Susan | Baby, Kid Style
It’s still a little depressing to put a really ugly bib over a really cute outfit, if not as depressing as staining the really cute outfit with carrots. Problem solved: b amici’s beautiful cotton bibs are like wee accessories themselves. Made of soft...