by Christina Refford | Baby
Other than wearing hearts on their clothing and looking at us with love in their eyes, our babies are still a little young to be celebrating Valentine’s Day with lollipops or big messy chocolate hearts. But since we love red all the time, we’ve rounded up...
by Stephanie Slate | Baby
Surely I’m not the only one who’s often grossed-out by restaurant high chairs? They’re handy, yes, but they’re usually filled with the remains of some other kid’s meal. This is just why the new Phil & Ted’s Lobster seat comes in...
by Christina Refford | Uncategorized
One of the greatest joys of travel is not having to cook, do dishes or feel the slightest bit insulted when one of my kids pushes something off their plate. Yes, I do love eating out, though I know all too well what can happen when I arrive at some funky little eatery...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
When you discover a kids shop through the Wallpaper* Magazine Facebook Fan Page, it’s a pretty good bet they’re going to have taste up the wazoo. So when I clicked over to ella+elliot, yep. That’s just what I found. This beautiful Toronto store...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Baby, Food + Recipes
Sure, dining involves more crayons than caviar for my family these days. But it seems like every restaurant’s high chairs are missing straps, are wobbly, are sized for a preschool linebacker, and/or spackled with nasty goo. Besides, my boy can wriggle out of...