This schoolhouse rocks

This schoolhouse rocks

Today I was so desperate for a new project to pull the tiny whiners off my knees that I gave them a huge cardboard box and some Sharpies. They ended up just stomping on the bubble wrap inside, much to my headache’s eternal sadness. But if you plan ahead a...
A castle of one’s own

A castle of one’s own

Almost every day, we drive by a castle. No, really– it’s in a field near our house, and the moat is a swimming pool, and the iron fence is guarded by concrete dwarves painted in garish colors. I can’t make stuff like that up.”Mommy, can we be...
Go fish

Go fish

Maybe toddlers shouldn’t fish. I remember thinking this as I watched my 3-year-old niece clutch a big fishing pole while my husband tried to keep her from falling into the deep dark water or skewer him with the sharp fishing hook that was waving wildly in...
Plan Toys – On super sale now at

Plan Toys – On super sale now at

We’re huge fans of Plan Toys around here, and for good reason. These sturdy, eco-friendly and battery-free wooden toys are built to last. And not surprisingly, they’re usually priced as such–something I’m more than willing to pay so as not to...
Starting babies on organics early

Starting babies on organics early

I still remember my daughter’s first “friend” – a garish stroller toy that we dubbed Guy the Giraffe pronounced the French way, Gee, because it was the one sound my three month-old made. Oh how she loved that thing. And sucked its antlers....