Martha does Halloween. It’s a ghoul thing

Martha does Halloween. It’s a ghoul thing

Around our house, Halloween is right up there with Hanukkah and birthdays so of course we’re looking to see what the grande dame of decorating has in store for this spooky season. Martha Stewart’s Halloween Central is a great place to find products and...
Because sometimes you’ve just gotta go

Because sometimes you’ve just gotta go

When I think back to my pregnancies, my first thought isn’t of the miracle of life or even the swollen feet and the heartburn. No, when I remember those days, my mind immediately goes to one place: The bathroom. With each child, I remember nine months of...
The end to “reply all?” It’s a miracle!

The end to “reply all?” It’s a miracle!

My kids have been back to school for a few weeks already, and my inbox runneth over. I need more volunteers for the coupon drive, says the coordinator. This is quickly followed by a bevy of reply-alls which are making me crazy, so I can only imagine the poor...
Funky lunch – that’s a good thing

Funky lunch – that’s a good thing

I do not have six million free hours in my day but if I did, I just might consider turning my kids’ sandwich into a giraffe. Or a caterpillar. Or Sponge Bob. Just because I could. And if I were to do that kind of a thing, I would have to hit the website Funky...
What’s the baby going to look like?

What’s the baby going to look like?

So you’re pregnant, and every blurry black-and-white ultrasound photo of baby is up on the fridge, and you spend many a quiet moment imagining what your baby might look like. Will she have your eyes? His chin? That funny little dimple you get in the corner of...
Green: A great color for every baby

Green: A great color for every baby

There’s so much advice for new moms to wade through, and after being pregnant and told you can’t eat spicy tuna rolls or a good brie for ten months, it would be easy to throw up your hands by the time you get around to choosing the safest, most...