Flipping for BrainFlips
Kids these days have it so easy: Cell phones, computers, and cartoons on TV twenty-four hours a day. Technology has even made studying a cinch. No more Encyclopedia Britannica — now it’s all about search engines. But flashcards are one classic study method...
RunPee – So pregnant women will never miss the good parts again
I’m pretty sure my pregnant bladder had a mind of its own, ensuring that I would have to run to the bathroom at all the most inopportune times. You know, like immediately after you pass a rest stop on the highway, just when you fall asleep, and right at the good...
The iPhone app for babies, bottles, and boobs
Proving the quip that, Yep, there’s an app for that, Baby Brain has created the ultimate iPhone app that we think you new moms will love for tracking baby’s vital stats. Once you’ve programmed in your baby (or babies), it’s as simple as the...
Group gifts get smarter
With a child heading to second grade next year (how did that happen already?), I’m well-versed in the usual procedure of collecting money for a group teacher gift. Problem is, we’re still doing it the same way we did it when I was a kid: Everybody...
Common Sense Media: Because not every parent finds fart jokes hilarious
My oldest daughter is now firmly planted in PG-movie territory which means I really have to pay attention to what she is seeing, reading and listening to — hopefully without having to actually watch, read and listen to it all myself. Thankfully, Common Sense...
Craft inspiration beyond egg cartons and glitter pens
I’m always on the lookout for websites that can help me with my neglected crafty side, like tips, tutorials, and ideas for cool new projects. I’m feeling the inspiration from the talented folks at Cut Out and Keep. Basically this member-centric site lets...
Ideal Bite – How to go green when you don’t have time to go green
My crush on Ideal Bite began with the first sentence of their philosophy: If we all knew what we could do in the day to day to impact the planet and our communities in a positive way, we’d do it. I used to say that I would live a greener life if only it...
Read it again (and again and again and again)
We’ve all been there; the kid has found his Most Favorite Book Ever, and he wants to hear it over and over. Sure, you were a patient and loving model parent the first 5,000 times, but after that I think you get a pass.With One More Story, not only your kid get...