by Ellyn Exley Dvorkin | Uncategorized
Raise your hand if you’re bored with standard Christmas cards! If you’re looking for your holiday card to stand out on mantles everywhere, I have you covered. Check out these amazing Christmas movie-themed cards by artist Mary Shelffo of Etsy shop The Lassoed Moon....
by Cool Mom Team | Cards + Stationery
Every December, we love seeking out the funniest Christmas cards and holiday cards out there, and this year is no different. I mean hey, we adore the holidays, but let’s be real, they can be a bit…stressful. So thank goodness for cookies and cocktails and...
by Caroline Siegrist | Baby, DIY
I’m skeptical of anything that masquerades as cake and doesn’t taste like cake. Slash isn’t edible at all. So naturally diaper cakes — those sculptural designs made out of diapers and used as centerpieces at baby showers to make people oh and...
by Ellyn Exley Dvorkin | Baby, DIY
Halloween is a great time to be a parent! You probably remember picking your baby’s first costume or maybe you’re picking that costume right now. If you’re the parent that thinks outside the box you have to check out these 2017 pop-culture baby...
by Liz Gumbinner | Toys + Playthings
When I came across Broadway Bricks, a site for which 15-year-old Jack Abrams geniusly recreates the great Broadway Musicals using LEGO minifigs, I simply can’t believe I hadn’t seen it before. I immediately sent the link to my daughter, because she has a...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast
One of the great things about our kids getting older is the ability to watch movies and shows that we actually want to see too. (No offense, Bubble Guppies.) But it’s also tough to figure out what they’re emotionally ready for, what’s over their...
by Ellyn Exley Dvorkin | Beauty + Cosmetics
The trend of fun, retro makeup for adults is taking retailers by storm. It may seem crazy, but you can now find your favorite animated characters from your childhood on professional — i.e. adult — collections of lipstick, blush, toner, masks, brushes and...
by Cool Mom Team | Back to School Shopping, School Gear
Back-to-school shopping with tweens and teens is like a whooole new thing. They have pretty strong opinions about what they love and don’t love. Even more than preschoolers, if you can believe that. (Though at least they don’t insist on wearing their...
by Georgette Gilmore | Living
Humans can’t live by keyboards alone, and for actual old school writing, we’re big fans of Moleskine notebooks. (Who isn’t, right?) Looking at the new Limited Edition Moleskine notebooks collection has my girls — and me — eager to put pen...