by Kate Etue | Books for Kids
I have a few non-negotiable criteria when I’m looking for a new bedtime book to read with my kids and The Bear’s Song by Benjamin Chaud exceeds my expectations on all counts. This book is my kids’ and my own current favorite bedtime story. The art is...
by Kate Etue | Uncategorized
My kids are rollers. I can’t count how many times I’ve gone to check on them while they sleep, only to find them on the floor. I’ve considered getting a bed rail but they think they’re so babyish. And when you’re a big four-year-old, is...
by Kate Etue | Toys + Playthings
I have the hardest time getting my night owl daughter up for school in the mornings. She likes to come visit us most nights around 2 AM, so when morning comes around she’s too tired to get up and dressed for kindergarten. The trick that’s working for...
by Kate Etue | Entertainment + Media
If you are looking for lullaby music for babies–or even for bigger kids–I am the person to ask. The routine to get my kids down has never been so easy, and so like most parents in the world, I sing. And sing. And sing. If you’re looking for new...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Art + Decor
My daughter’s baby mobile came with the crib and featured four demented and hungry-looking rabbits, so I don’t know why I’m surprised she had sleep issues. Maybe a cozy handmade modern baby mobile like the new from our pals at Blue Without You would...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Tips + Tricks
Are you troubled by strange noises in the middle of the night? I am, but it’s not from ghosts or even monsters–just a kid in my house who firmly believes in them. Instead of calling Ghostbusters, I’ve discovered this yummy-smelling Monster Defense...
by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
For years now, Oeuf has been known for its beautiful, modern nursery furniture that’s meant to last. I’m personally a huge fan of their Perch Bunk Bed (visit us sometime and see it in action) still could use the Oeuf Toy Store to wrangle the 8 zillion...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Art + Decor
One of the cardinal rules around my house: birdwatching is better than television. My little chickadees love to sprinkle seed on the back porch and see who comes a-peckin’, especially when that family of wrens returns every year to nest in our grill. But if you...
by Liz Gumbinner | Art + Decor
When I find myself with a little square of wall space to fill, I’ve found that ornaments can add nice texture and dimension, instead of another poster or print. And this Etsy shop makes ones that are so cute, I might just clear some space. The little red moon...