Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes

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More coolness from recent weeks…

Love Bug

Love Bug

I used to chuckle when all my friends with little boys would complain about the clothes offerings. Little did I know, I’d be chiming in with my own disgruntlement with the lack of anything other than crossed hockey sticks and little toy trains.

An Heirloom Minus the Mothball Smell

An Heirloom Minus the Mothball Smell

Who doesn’t love those high-quality, family heirloom baby clothes that were skillfully hand-made by Great-Great-Grandmama after which they were preserved and passed down through the generations?

Those Who Skipped the Changing Table, Raise Your Hand

Those Who Skipped the Changing Table, Raise Your Hand

With my daughter, I invested in a handy dandy changing table that I used all of four times. I strongly suggest you use a dresser top and a changing pad…or like I did, maybe just your bed. Then all you need is a cute little diaper caddy to hold the essentials.

Could I See Your ID?

Could I See Your ID?

My parents started a lovely tradition of buying each of us an engravedgold ID bracelet when we were born.While I love the sentiment, I just can’t see myself buying my kids a filigree yellow gold bracelet considering they’ll probably never wear it.

We’ll Always Have Paris

We’ll Always Have Paris

Being a mom of two little ones means the only Paris I’m likely to see anytime soon will be on a movie screen. Oh, who am I kidding. It’ll be my television if I can pry my eyes open past 9pm.

The Smarter Animal Alphabet

The Smarter Animal Alphabet

I will be honest, when I got wind of another line of alphabet tees, I wasn’t expecting much. But whoa! Where are the silly illustrations? Where’s that old standard, C is for Cat?

Leave the Free Stuff From the Hospital…at the Hospital

Leave the Free Stuff From the Hospital…at the Hospital

I searched long and hard for the perfect diaper bag but oddly, I spent less energy on the stuff that actually goes inside it–you know, the things your baby actually comes in contact with, like the changing pad and those disposable wipe thingies I nicked from the hospital.

Trading the Treadmill for a MacLaren

Trading the Treadmill for a MacLaren

Say what you like about my postpartum figure, but getting back in shape after pregnancy sucks and we all know it. Some parts will never look the same again without surgical intervention – like tummy wrinkles and those two "rocks in tube socks" – but that’s no excuse to ignore the muscles.

Necklaces That Won’t Get You All Choked Up

Necklaces That Won’t Get You All Choked Up

My daughter has been struck with a full on jewelry obsession. And while I’m fine with purchasing little girl necklaces and bracelets, I’m overwhelmed with the amount of little plastic and wooden beads that scream "choking hazard."

Come On Baby, Light My Fire

Come On Baby, Light My Fire

Now that the weather is reaching stratospheric temperatures in my Northeastern neck of the woods, naturally my thoughts turn to barbecue. Nothing like that classic combo of a huge open flame and 147% humidity.

Bling for Braniacs

Bling for Braniacs

I’ve got a nagging fear that today’s generation of girls, growing up in Swaraovski-studded shirts that say future model, are in for quite a shock when they get older and do not, in fact, turn out to be models.

A Taste For Bourbon

A Taste For Bourbon

I am so not the matchy-matchy type, and anyone who’s ever seen me pushing a red stroller with a purple blanket and a floral orange diaper bag will nod vigorously in agreement.

Forget Mr. Right, I found Mr. Klean

Forget Mr. Right, I found Mr. Klean

You can’t swing a loofa without hitting a specialty beauty product shop. With so many options, I thought I’d keep mine open, play the field. No settling down with one brand for me. Then I hooked me up with my destined spa product soul mate and things all changed.

Kinda Makes Up For The Sore Nipples

Kinda Makes Up For The Sore Nipples

‘m trying not to be offended by the fact that my 5-month-old rejects my boobs to instead watch his sister run around the playground. But while I’d love to refocus his attentions, the thought of a nursing necklace makes me cringe. I get the concept, but it’s tough to find one that I’d actually wear in public.

Heal the World Through Dolls

Heal the World Through Dolls

I remember, with some regret, the first doll my daughter was given. It was made from a heavy plastic and had a gigantic wobbly head — certainly not something I’d like to cuddle up with in bed.