Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes

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More coolness from recent weeks…

Getting All Felt Up

Getting All Felt Up

I love watching my daughter’s imagination in action. She sets the table for five so her imaginary friend can eat too, and there’s no end to the litany of cool animal pals that she describes as stopping by for a visit at bedtime.

Brush With Greatness

Brush With Greatness

Oh, the poor, lowly, neglected baby brush. As essential as this item is to the nursery–or at least to ours, with our messy-haired daughter–the options are limited to the free crappy one that comes along with some baby bath essential gift set, or an absurdly expensive sterling one that needs more polishing and attention than the baby herself. Where are all the cool brushes?

Art by Actual Artists: What a Concept

Art by Actual Artists: What a Concept

I’ve always liked the idea of turning a favorite photo of my child into a piece of artwork. But a lot of those Warhol-eque services just look like a computer novice took a Photoshop 101 class, and went nutty with the filters. What ever happened to art made by actual artists?



I always loved jack-in-the-boxes as a kid, but you’ve got to admit, there was something about that original "Jack" that was pretty creepy. Clowns are generally a little questionable anyway, come to think of it, let alone one intended to scare the bejeezus out of a preschooler by design.

YouTube for Moms: The Boob Tube?

YouTube for Moms: The Boob Tube?

One thing pregnant women and new mothers are definitely not lacking is a variety of information sources–some more desired (Cool Mom Picks) than others (the mother-in-law with some very interesting views on putting whiskey in the bottle). But picking and choosing from among the stacks of books and lists of URLs can be daunting. And frankly, who has that kind of energy these days? Sometimes a passive medium like TV is just what the doctor ordered.

Mind the Gap

Mind the Gap

Whether you’re pregnant like me, nursing, or just hanging onto a bit of baby weight for nostalgia’s sake, we all have one thing in common: Major boobage.

I See London, I See France…

I See London, I See France…

Now that Spring is here (okay, so it’s still freezing out; minor technicality.) I’m ready to get a little girlier with my daughter’s wardrobe. Is there anything cuter than little girls in sweet little dresses, with their bare, chubby knees poking out just below? The only thing that can possibly ruin the photo op is a glimpse of Cookie Monster stamped onto a pair of saggy size 4 Cruisers.

Coming Out of the Dark

Coming Out of the Dark

Nothing says motherhood like waking up in the morning to find a little baby with his diaper on half-backwards and the snaps on his onesie done up wrong. Funny things happen at 2:30 AM when you can’t see a damn thing you’re doing.

Baby Brings the Funny

Baby Brings the Funny

I’ve groused before about the practice of sending thank you notes that are supposedly written by the baby. I know it’s intended to be cute, but it induces involuntary eyerolls in me.

Silver is the New Black

Silver is the New Black

All the 3-going-on-14 little girl’s clothes have forced me to become a traditionalist when it comes to dressing my daughter. I’m into the fairly standard tops, bottoms, and dresses — no ridiculous mini skirts or shiny half-shirts for my toddler. But when it comes to shoes, I like to live on the wild side.

A Pinch of Flower

A Pinch of Flower

With each change of season I feel the call to update my jewelry drawer. It’s a sickness, I know, but with Spring in the air, I just can’t be asked to accessorize with the same old same old. Why, even the suggestion of it is shocking.

A pinch of flower

A pinch of flower

With each change of season I feel the call to update my jewelry drawer. It's a sickness, I know, but with Spring in the air, I just can't be asked to accessorize with the same old same old. Why, even the suggestion of it is shocking. So right now I've got my eye on...

Beautiful Inside and Out

Beautiful Inside and Out

I’m a sucker for great packaging when it comes to beauty products. I know, I know (for all of you with way more common sense)…it’s what is inside that counts, but I can’t help being attracted to funky, fresh designs. So trust me when I tell you that Mama Mio has got both the inside and the outside covered.

Call Me? We’ll Do Cheerios.

Call Me? We’ll Do Cheerios.

A desk full of odd scraps of paper with names and phone numbers scribbled on them – that’s what I face each time I want to schedule a playdate for my older daughter. And I know that’s what her friends’ mothers face too, since I typically scrawl my details on the back of a grocery receipt.

Two, Two, Two Pants in One

Two, Two, Two Pants in One

I love the concept of reversible kids clothes. And not just because I’m a shameless laundry avoider. It’s more so because I am at times too indecisive to choose between two items–I want them both. So when I came across the entirely reversible swingy, Springy pants from So Anna I knew they were calling to me.

Matchy-Matchy, Not Tacky-Tacky

Matchy-Matchy, Not Tacky-Tacky

As a fairly style conscious woman, I always thought that looking put together, in body, mind and home was an easy, natural thing. Until I had a kid. And then another one. And nowit takes as much energy as I can muster just to pick out a bag that goes with my barely matching outfit.

The Joan Crawford Seal of Approval

The Joan Crawford Seal of Approval

I have been known, on more occasions than I should admit, to saving those cheap free hangers you get with purchases. Butlately, the sea of plastic has been taking over my daughter’s closet, and they just don’t cut it for those extra special outfits that deserve a little more TLC.