Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes

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More coolness from recent weeks…

We Can’t All Be Arists – Or Maybe We Can

We Can’t All Be Arists – Or Maybe We Can

Admittedly I'm a little opinionated when it comes to art. Sometimes I come across a piece I'm considering buying but then I think "hm, if only they'd have done this one little thing..." Apparently I'm not alone here, which is where designer/art director/mom...

Boyz in the Hoodie

Boyz in the Hoodie

As much time as I spend on the web tracking down cool clothes for kids, I’m admit I’m still often at a loss for gifts when I hear a friend has a boy on the way. If only I liked those sailor suits, things would be a whole lot easier. And then I discovered Sir Hayes

Maternity Clothes Guaranteed to Fit

Maternity Clothes Guaranteed to Fit

Nothing can prepare a first-time pregnant friend for the ordeal that is maternity shopping. Except for maybe you. That is, if you have it in you to dash her expectations that she’ll look adooooorable in those chic low-rise jeans for the entire nine months.

A Bag for Every Season

A Bag for Every Season

Why is it that it’s acceptable to have fifteen purses in your closet that serve very specific functions, but then people look at you funny if you want to register for more than one diaper bag? Sometimes a girl needs a little variety. And there’s no more perfect time for a new bag than the first day of Spring.

Couch Potatoes No More

Couch Potatoes No More

One year ago, two other movie-loving moms, Sarah Bowman and Diane Shakin, founded Kids off the Couch to help LA-area families turn the passive act of film-watching into active adventures around town that get kids psyched about film, culture and yes, even spending time with you.

Honor Thy Belly

Honor Thy Belly

Yes, we’d all like to be the type to embrace and adore every crease and crevice, every jiggle and wiggle in our figures as we evolve from imperfect to imperfect and pregnant; but I’m afraid those types are limited to Dove ads and Dr. Phil segments. So I don’t know about you, but I’m willing to try pretty much anything to stave off the dreaded stretch marks.

Children of the Children of the 70s

Children of the Children of the 70s

Some trends in kidswear cannot be short-lived enough. That whole pimp genre of little boys’ tees? If I never see another one again that would be just fine. But one trend I’m loving: The groovy 70s-inspired designs on kids tees, that look eerily like the ones I might have worn back in my way younger days.

No Songs ‘Til Brooklyn

No Songs ‘Til Brooklyn

I’m not always crazy about theme-y kids albums. 100 Songs About Spiders – whoopie. But when I hear the theme revolves around my own home base of Brooklyn, En-Why–well then I have to check it out

Mommy Needs a Daquiri

Mommy Needs a Daquiri

I’m all for books that teach my kids more than just their animals. I mean, cripes, if we have to take the time to read it to them 500 times, it might as well teach them other things too, right? Like how to make their own breakfast, mow the lawn, or even better, make me a cocktail.

Gift Baskets Get a Much-Needed Update

Gift Baskets Get a Much-Needed Update

There have been a few occasions for which I have put aside my obsessive gift-picking regimen and sent a gift basket; Iblame it onpostpartum dementia. Not that all gift baskets are bad, but there always seems to be one or two lame additions hidden in there.

Coloring Books Meet Couture

Coloring Books Meet Couture

My daughter is a certified coloring addict. We’ve no shortage of crayons, coloring books, and completed pages (and walls)all over our house — and if I have to color another Elmo, I might just lose my mind.



I can’t be the only mother who’s tired of seeing the same old themes for kids’ rooms, especially when it comes to bedding. Not all boys want a sports-themed room, and not all girls want a ballerina-themed room. Licensed characters are even more limiting – they go in and out of style quicker than boy bands and that’s saying something.

This Nest is Best

This Nest is Best

With an infant and a rambunctious toddler to chase after, I quickly relearned the value of the sling. Basically, it’s like my hoop earrings –the essential accessory that I never leave home without. But considering I’m trying to keep some semblance of my own style, I’mstill concerned with how it looks almost as much as how well it holds my baby.

White Walls No More

White Walls No More

I admire parents who have the talent and motivation to paint murals for their kids' bedrooms. My own kids' rooms remain stark white, because I haven't had the free weekend to devote to acquiring supplies, emptying rooms, designing murals, and then painting the walls....

See How They Run

See How They Run

In the spring, a mother’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of… shoes, of course! I love browsing the ballet flats and strappy sandals available for my little girls. But I get tired of the selection at my local big box store, and don’t like paying the extra bucks for shoes adorned with the latest TV character du jour.

Beechwood is the New Plastic

Beechwood is the New Plastic

Back when I had imaginary children, I was confident that my house would be filled exclusively with old-school wooden learning toys that were always put away by shiny, happy tykes who sat in their fancy wooden high chairs and ate every bit of their nutritious meals.

Drool Gets Cool

Drool Gets Cool

It’s no secret among those who know me that I hate newborn bibs. Yes I know they’re essential for very drooly babies but still. They’re bibs! I’ve held out hope that analternative would come along by the time my own newborn started teething.