Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes

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More coolness from recent weeks…

You Know Where to Stick It

You Know Where to Stick It

It may be a woman’s prerogative to change her mind, but that’s small comfort when your walls are defiled with telltale nail holes. Fickle decorators, take comfort. Modernseed, purveyor of all things fabulous, has an amazing selection of reusable peel-and-stick wall decals to splash across your child’s room or playroom.

Something for the Swinger in All of Us

Something for the Swinger in All of Us

AirplanetireswingI never had a tire swing growing up. There’s something that creeped me out about them. I remember always being concerned about the stagnant water that had pooled in the bottom and the dirt that would get on my clothes. Yes. I was that kid

This Stuff Even Makes My Tushie Happy

This Stuff Even Makes My Tushie Happy

If you haven't heard, cloth diapering is all the rage. So, that means I was popular for the first six months of my daughter's life. While I don't do the cloth diaper thing anymore, I still love Kathleen's stuff. At Happy Tushies, you will find boutique-style cloth...

Those Other Shoes Are so 2005…

Those Other Shoes Are so 2005…

PedoodlesThe soft leather soles of those cutie-booties just don’t cut it on our hard bumpy local sidewalks. And so we’ve upgraded to Pedoodles wonderful leather shoes, made with a seamless footbed and their trademarked PedFlex rubber soles.

The Stylish Tushie

The Stylish Tushie

I never thought twice about diapering my son with the eco-not-so-conscious disposable diaper. I have to admit, I thought that cloth diapers were still big cotton towels that required safety pins, manual dexterity, and a whole lot of free time.

Show Your Boobs, But Please Cover Up That Belly!

Show Your Boobs, But Please Cover Up That Belly!

Greyglamourtank Once you get past the sore nipples and engorged breasts, your can focus your attention on a more flab-ulous issue – how to avoid flashing your post-baby-belly-roll when you go to nurse your child. I think it might be every nursing mom’s biggest gripe.

This Organization Goes to 11

This Organization Goes to 11

The brilliant mind that brought us This is Spinal Tap has made a massive--and welcome--leap to the world of non-profits. Parents Action for Children is Rob Reiner's very cool parent advocacy group. The website features the standard fare on topics like schools, safety,...

Cool Duds For the Whole Fam

Cool Duds For the Whole Fam

While cruising the net for cool picks this evening, I happened across Tot Rocket, a Cafepress site selling shirts for the whole family. The minds behind the gear describe themselves as specializing in hip baby clothing with style and attitude. With shirts for baby...

Pads Can Be Cool

Pads Can Be Cool

When my 3 year old was a newborn we planned a trip to Europe and before I could say auf viedersehn, my brain pictured all the filthy traveling potties we would encounter while changing her diaper.

Wax On/Wax Off

Wax On/Wax Off

The last time I tried an at-home hair removal system, I ended up waddling to the phone with 29 applicator strips hanging from my crotch so I could dial the emergency consumer hot line listed on the package. And yet yesterday, I gave it another go. Quickly, rush to the...

You Are What You Carry

You Are What You Carry

Before you turn away in utter disgust from overexposure to the dreaded and bejeweled "Elvis-Marilyn-Audrey" bags, I have to say that these bags are tres sassy. The various designs are fabulous, as are the quality of the photos. I carry my bigasstote...

The Kind of Softy You’ll Thank Me For Later

The Kind of Softy You’ll Thank Me For Later

Softie1Don’t get any sick ideas, dear readers. We’ve all seen our share of those softies and we certainly don’t need a stuffed one of THOSE laying around the house. Heather who blogs over at MilesEtc started making these fabulous little creatures for her little one, and as you might imagine, a few people got a hold of them and she’s decided to sell them to the masses.