Green gets foxy

Green gets foxy

Green is everywhere this week, from the buds on the trees to St. Patty’s Day decorations to the long-awaited green milk served at my table. I’m kind of already regretting that one.But here’s a super sweet and foxy way to bring green into a nursery or...
Hey, baby. Here’s your sign.

Hey, baby. Here’s your sign.

Well, I do believe I have just discovered the most original new baby gift on the planet. Bold proclamation, I know, but have a look at these new custom birth charts by Amy Karol –yes, she of “Bend-the-Rules Sewing and Bend-the-Rules with Fabric fame. And...
Lovely, love my etsy artists

Lovely, love my etsy artists

Lovely, Love My Family by the Roots is one of those songs that gets stuck in your head in a good way. My girls discovered it after watching it on Yo, Gabba Gabba! oh, maybe 6,000 times and it’s been a favorite around here ever since. So when I saw they had...
Temporary tattoos get artsy

Temporary tattoos get artsy

Great art is beautiful, interesting, well-crafted, and has staying power.Surprise! That also describes these cool new temporary tattoos by one of CMP’s favorite designers. Our old pals at Wee Gallery have found a fantastic new way to pepper the world with their...
The easy secret to an artful life.

The easy secret to an artful life.

Do you know what the secret is to raising a child who loves art? Love it yourself, and have it around, and make it, and talk about it. That’s it. Easy. And we’ve found a really easy way to enter the wide world of art, learn about it, and maybe even invite...