Cool pumpkin decorating idea: Use candy!

Cool pumpkin decorating idea: Use candy!

We are T minus less than a week to Halloween, which means the pumpkin carving and decorating can begin! (I tend not to carve too early or we end up with saggy pumpkin eyes and mouths by the 31st.) So I love this idea which looks great and can save you a little...
The impressive genes of super crafters

The impressive genes of super crafters

I am so inspired looking at the finalists of the Handmade Charlotte Family Craft Challenge, mainly because I would never in a milion years come up with any of them. Or, I might, but they’d never come out this amazing.  The fun part is you can click over...
DIY handmade cards, just a stamp and ink pad away

DIY handmade cards, just a stamp and ink pad away

I really love the idea of making my own greeting cards, but the time and skill involved have always seemed way beyond what I am capable of, especially for card designs that suit my taste and style. Not anymore, thanks to these cool, so-not-your-grandmother’s...