Computer Games That Care and Cure

Computer Games That Care and Cure

My daughter is already a bit obsessed with computer games and she’s only four. I’m afraid to think about what will happen when she hits the tween years and can do more than just move the mouse around.Thanks to Generation Cures, I’m armed and ready...
Heal, Dog. Seriously, Heal.

Heal, Dog. Seriously, Heal.

Sometimes you really dig a piece of art just because it’s cool. But sometimes you get to know the back story and suddenly it’s that much more meaningful. Such is the case of the charming Lulu the Dog paintings from Massachusetts artist, dad and visionary...
Laying Down Roots for Mother’s Day

Laying Down Roots for Mother’s Day

Not every mama wants something on Mother’s Day. Plenty of mamas are very happy with just a phone call, a handmade card or a contribution in her name to a decent cause. For that latter group, TreePeople is a great dot-org that does some good in the actual US of...
Little Fingers For Big Change

Little Fingers For Big Change

When my daughter was a wee tot, my mother gave me a bunch of finger puppets. She put them in an old purse of my grandmother’s and told me to take them to restaurants. Finger puppets enabled my husband and I to continue eating with childless adults, and we still...
An Amazing Gift for Any Kid: Values

An Amazing Gift for Any Kid: Values

It’s important for me that my kids grow up understanding the concepts of charity and benevolence, and that the holiday season isn’t only about what’s under the tree. Not everyone can spend Christmas volunteering at soup kitchen or collecting Toys for...
Paying it Forward (and Jewelry Too)

Paying it Forward (and Jewelry Too)

As the year draws to a close, we hope you’re looking for a few well-deserving organizations to which to bequeath a few tax-deductible dollars. Not that there’s any lack of such dot-orgs in the world, but we thought we’d add a really cool one to the...
Giving Thanks to the Trees, Too

Giving Thanks to the Trees, Too

Team Cool Mom Picks has always been a bit rah rah about books as gifts. Besides the obvious benefits, they’re not quickly outgrown and they’re pretty much guaranteed not to be on any recall lists any time soon. (Unless you’re one of those weirdos...
Laptops All Around!

Laptops All Around!

As the day of giving thanks approaches, I think it’s important to think about how privileged we all are just to be able to sit behind our computer screens, connecting to other parents, doing a little shopping, playing a little Snood. Starting tomorrow,...
Heal the World Through Dolls

Heal the World Through Dolls

I remember, with some regret, the first doll my daughter was given. It was made from a heavy plastic and had a gigantic wobbly head — certainly not something I’d like to cuddle up with in bed. So when I saw the adorable felt dolls from Lindie &...