by Rita | Baby, Books for Adults
After researching my proposal for my own parenting book (Ahem, Sleep Is for the Weak, shameless plug, shameless plug) I thought I’d read every baby handbook on earth. And, I admit it, I became really jaded and snooty about them. Let’s just say...
by Rita | Books for Adults
We love Melissa Conroy’s Wooberry dolls. The originals are not only designed from her child’s sketches, they’re also handmade. And beyond adorable.In a move that touches my writerly heart, the dolls have gone meta and returned to their paper-based...
by Rita | Books for Adults
Fellow blogger and Vanity Fair contributor Brett Berk has unleashed on the world his parenting perspective with The Gay Uncle’s Guide to Parenting: Candid Counsel From the Depths of the Daycare Trenches. Berk obviously has no uterus and no children. That said,...
by Rita | Toys + Playthings
Whether you need a last-minute Mother’s Day gift or just want to appear more stylish than everyone else while waiting for the pediatrician, I love the Posh Puzzle books by The Puzzle Society. These are the people who bring you nationally syndicated crosswords...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
For years, I’ve saved the emails my mom has sent me. Some are funny, some are sweet, some are nothing anyone else would appreciate besides maybe my brother. I thought I was the only person nostalgic enough to do such a thing, until I discovered Love, Mom:...
by Rita | Books for Adults
What happens when you need to find a book on heroes the night before your kid needs it for kindergarten?After you’ve exhausted our favorite children’s books, you can do what I did and check out the selections in What to Read When, by LitLife founder Pam...
by Mir | Books for Adults
I suppose they could’ve come up with a different name for Better World Books, but when you’re really making a better world for everyone through a love of books, well, the name fits. Perfectly.Next time you shop for books, consider the option that is both...