by Kristen Chase | Tips + Tricks
Huddle up, friends, because I’m about to give away a bunch of my secret gift ideas that I send to folks when I want to tell them how much I’m missing them. And when you’re under a shelter-in-place order thanks to this Coronavirus crisis, that’s...
by Liz Gumbinner | Valentine's Day
When I was in my pre-kids, pre-underwire-bra-all-the-time years, I admit that 40 seemed old. As in, sex would be over, done, and…weird. Well here’s me shaking some damn sense into my 2005 self. Research shows that women over 40 are having wildly satisfying...
by Liz Gumbinner | Valentine's Day, Toys + Playthings
Happy year of the Rat everyone! With the Lunar New Year upon us, I’m so happy to find this adorable new Etsy shop, which celebrates all things dumplings. Only, not the edible kind, so if you’re low-carbing right now, you’re in luck. Christine Jee has...
by Liz Gumbinner | Holiday Gift Guide
Oh, men. We love them, we love shopping for them, but we hate when they seem to already have everything they need — maybe because we’re all such amazing gift givers? Ha. Fret not! Over the years, we’ve put together a lot of fabulous guides to cool...
by Liz Gumbinner | Toys + Playthings
The good news: I finally found the one affordable little gift I know will please every one of my kids. Baby Yoda: The Child Funko POP! figurine, fresh off his Mandalorian boost into meme-of-the-year status, complete with a Lin Manuel approved viral Baby Yoda Hamilton...
by Liz Gumbinner | Doing Good
Each year, we love putting together some of our favorite gifts that give back in substantial and specific ways — not just some undetermined percentage of your purchase going to “charities.” While we definitely share these kinds of gifts that give...
by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
If you’re already up on your holiday shopping, good for you! If you need a little nudge, then our partner Zulily just may give you the motivation you need to get it going. You’ll find thousands of products up to 70% off including gifts for men. (And if you...
by Kristen Chase | Toys + Playthings
After someone I follow on Instagram mentioned that her family had a blast playing the game Crokinole, I decided to Google it, having never heard of it myself. What kind of board game buff am I? Not a good one, apparently. Well, as I’ve learned over the last...
by Liz Gumbinner | Toys + Playthings
The limited edition, totally collectible, geektastic collaboration between Barbie x Star Wars is coming soon, so start saving those Creds. Shipping exclusively from Amazon around November 18, you’ll find 3 Barbie figures, including Barbie R2-D2, Barbie Leia, and...
by Liz Gumbinner | Fashion, Kid Style
If you have a teen, surely you know of their great hopes and dreams to storm Area 51 this coming September. The meme has taken hold, and I’m afraid I’m going to wake up one morning with a note from my kids saying, Gone to see them aliens. Took some money....