Choose you. First.

Choose you. First.

Recently, I was honored to attend a celeb-packed preview party for an amazing new initiative from the American Cancer Society. But it wasn’t the glitterati that left the strongest impression (as gorgeous as Hilary Swank and Kelly Rutherford are in...
Popsicles without the sugar or HFCS

Popsicles without the sugar or HFCS

With the weather getting warmer, the big treat around our house is popsicles. Sometimes we make our own and other times, I’ll splurge on the fruit juice-only ones from our supermarket, even though I know they’re loaded with sugar. But now I’ve found...
Gourmet organic meals for the teething set

Gourmet organic meals for the teething set

Finding a meal that satisfies all members of my families is a mission impossible these days. Add a baby just starting solids into the mix and that spells H-E-A-D-A-C-H-E. But there’s a new line of organic baby foods that just might do the trick. Sprout Organic...