Maia – Not your average yogurt

Maia – Not your average yogurt

I’d like to think of myself as somewhat of a yogurt connoisseur. I grew up on Dannon and over the years have tried everything from the healthy and organic to the junky and gimmicky. And apparently I’ve passed on the yogurt gene to my son because the first...
Fruit on hand that makes it into their mouths

Fruit on hand that makes it into their mouths

I once packed the same apple in my son’s lunch for an entire week. Every afternoon it was still there, and he’d promise to eat it the next day, and then he’d bring it home again. And it’s not even that he doesn’t like apples, but as he...
Argh, Pirate’s Booty goes New York

Argh, Pirate’s Booty goes New York

As the New York City taxpayer amongst us, I felt it my sworn duty (so help me Bloomberg) to try the New York Pizza flavor Pirate’s Booty recently introduced by Robert’s Gourmet. You know, the beloved makers of all-natural treats for parents looking to...
Foodzie is like Etsy for food. I’m doomed.

Foodzie is like Etsy for food. I’m doomed.

Do you hear that sound? It’s my hips expanding.I know I’m going to rue the day I discovered Foodzie, the marketplace for hand-crafted and artisan foods. Whereas my resolve is unwavering when I pass the fun-size candy bars in the supermarket aisle (Full of...