Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes

The latest from Spawned, our award-winning parenting podcast

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More coolness from recent weeks…

The Greening of Playtime

The Greening of Playtime

Okay so it's like that old joke about grandparents who look at your kids' video games and say VIDEO GAMES? Back in my day we played with twigs and rocks and we LIKED IT. But the truth is, is there really anything so bad about playing with twigs and rocks? That's...

Happy Mother’s Day, cool moms

Happy Mother’s Day, cool moms

Hope you're enjoying plenty of pampering, relaxation, a few goodies to unwrap, and most of all, the love of your doting family.With major emphasis on the doting. Big, big big time doting. That's almost as important as the love part-Liz, Kristen, Julie, Nancy, Tina,...

If Your Breastfeeding Boobs Wrote a Book

If Your Breastfeeding Boobs Wrote a Book

There's not a lot of fun involved in breastfeeding in the beginning, as I can attest as a two-time, soon to be three-time nurser. Unless you enjoy the feeling of your boobs about to explode. But moms Shannon Payette Seip and Adrienne Hedger certainly found the humor...

Avoiding Your Own Version of the Nanny Diaries

Avoiding Your Own Version of the Nanny Diaries

Oh, the problems most moms are facing these days: Top tier pre-school interviews, PTA meetings conflicting with opening night at the opera, challenges with the live-in help.Okay, so that's not actually the lives of most moms unless you're watching that Housewives of...

Crafty Moms, This One’s For You

Crafty Moms, This One’s For You

Okay you mamas with the crafty gene. Now don't be coy, you know who you are. You're the ones who see some of the awesome handmade stuff we feature here and turn up your noses and say pfft, I could make that myself for THREE CENTS. And you might be right.So I'm going...

Baby Zen Guarantees No More Screams…Er, Tears.

Baby Zen Guarantees No More Screams…Er, Tears.

My babies aren't babies anymore, but that doesn't stop them from acting like babies on occasion. In particular, my son is prone to shrieking like a lamb at the slaughter if a single molecule of shampoo or conditioner hits his precious eyeballs while he's in the...

Sok-O: The Cabbage Patch Kid for the Next Generation

Sok-O: The Cabbage Patch Kid for the Next Generation

For some time now, we've been hearing about these $49 sock animals and we just had to see what it was all about. Cashmere socks with diamond chip eyes perhaps?Nope, turns out that Sok-O is even better. These 100% handmade, one-of-a-kind, embroidery-embellished,...

Babies Get the LA Treatment

Babies Get the LA Treatment

Chic moms and non-moms alike are fans of the great tee shirt basics from LA's  Michael Stars. That capsleeved scoop neck does such a nice job of containing my cups that runneth over, that I own one in nearly every color. (Seriously, look at my summer photos -...

Peekaboo Just Got A Little More Challenging

Peekaboo Just Got A Little More Challenging

My almost one year-old's favorite game is easily "Where's Sage? There she is!" which is played as she pulls a blanket up and down over her face.Um, I mean chess. Her favorite game is chess. But for the rest of you with average children who enjoy the trite...

BPA-Free Beach Fun

BPA-Free Beach Fun

With Memorial Day just about a month away, I can almost smell the beach - or more like all the plastic toys that get crammed into our beach bags. But thanks to the Recycled Sand Play Set from Green Toys, you don't have to feel quite as guilty about all the plastic...

Hats Off to Plastisock Hats

Hats Off to Plastisock Hats

After last weekend rednecking it up at my mom's house with a toddler pool on the front lawn and my cute naked girls, I realized it was probably time to start thinking sun protection. The sunhats from Swedish label Plastisock are totally rocking my world. If you want a...

Biodegradable disposable diapers? It can be done.

Biodegradable disposable diapers? It can be done.

Let's face it, greener isn't always easier. I think we all want to be the best eco-moms we can, but for me there was no way I was venturing into the world of cloth diapering. My guilt has just been assuaged however with a fantastic find: Nature Babycare Diapers,...

Organic Crib Bedding Just Keeps Getting More Awesome

Organic Crib Bedding Just Keeps Getting More Awesome

If you heeded our love for the Q Collection's junior line and picked up one of their gorgeous cribs, you need some worthy bedding to go with it. Heck, even if you have a different crib, there's no reason you can't go for some charming and earth-friendly bedding. In...

What Is a Pajama Squid? No Clue, But I Think I Need One.

What Is a Pajama Squid? No Clue, But I Think I Need One.

New Yorkers definitely think we have it made with kids boutiques, but I must say my sisters, these days I think the DC area is giving us a run for our money. The latest entrant: The Pajama Squid in Takoma Park, which just opened a very spiffy online shop for the rest...

When You Think Pink Chicken, Don’t Think Salmonella

When You Think Pink Chicken, Don’t Think Salmonella

People are always asking me whether I dress my girls in the clothes we feature here. Well, some of it, sure. But hey, I'm not made of money. I splurge on a few key items and mix it up with the sales rack jeans and the 2 for $10 cotton tees. One of my recent higher end...

The Baby is Here. Now What Do I Do With Him?

The Baby is Here. Now What Do I Do With Him?

It seemed like the great anticipation of meeting your baby was quickly dashed by the fact that he really doesn't do anything but sleep, eat, and poop. Or, if you're my babies, just eat and poop -- apparently sleep was optional. While I was sobbing over my breast pump,...

Notepads Perfect For Kids. And Narcissists.

Notepads Perfect For Kids. And Narcissists.

My daughter takes after me in many ways - her messy hair, her penchant for arguing, and her love for getting out the stationery and writing a thank you note for a gift. I'm succeeding as a mother on one point at least. The oversized story/art notepads from custom...