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More coolness from recent weeks…

Cool Mom Picks Hearts Real Simple

Cool Mom Picks Hearts Real Simple

We just wanted to let out a little annoying girlie squeal, sorority party-style, for finding ourselves in the March issue of Real Simple Magazine in their Best Blogs feature this month.We're honored to share top parenting/family blog kudos along with our dear friends...

Anchovies? Yes Please.

Anchovies? Yes Please.

While it's definitely gotten easier for moms to track down cool onesies, commandeering an entire funky baby layette can be challenging. I suppose "funky" and "layette" aren't necessarily synonymous, unless you're browsing Anchovies, a new shop...

Not-So-Basic Basics

Not-So-Basic Basics

We've had the awesome Netherlands kids label Buisjes En Beugels, or BB+++, on our radar for some time now, just waiting (and hoping) for it to arrive on North American shores. Or at minimum, in North American websites. Damn that exchange rate. At last we're happy to...

Art for All My Sisters and Me

Art for All My Sisters and Me

I don't have a little girl, but if I did, I'd definitely want to decorate her room with positive, joyful, encouraging, you-can-do-it-girlfriend types of things. Things a little less princess and a little more like the mixed-media artwork of Kelly Rae Roberts. A former...

Tastes Like Chicken

Tastes Like Chicken

Okay so they say that newborns aren't exactly ready for poultry. But when it's this funny little MiYim pink chicken rattle spotted at Essere Organics, I suppose you could make an exception.It's guaranteed free-range, hormone free, and 100% organic. And despite the...

The All-Purpose Thank You Note

The All-Purpose Thank You Note

I’ve been looking for thank you notes that would be equally suited for job interviews, baby gifts, and preschool directors. (God help me). Tall order, perhaps? Not once I discovered the lovely line of m: studio stationery from stationer Margot Madison. Each box...

Buddy Has Two Mommies

Buddy Has Two Mommies

One of my greatest reservations when considering a move away from New York was the perceived lack of diversity in middle America. Happily, I've been surprised by the different kinds of families we've gotten to know, even in our little suburb. (Even if the ethnic food...

The Cow Says Moooo. Also: Carry Me, Mama!

The Cow Says Moooo. Also: Carry Me, Mama!

I love to browse the CMP archives for children's artwork, because thanks to Liz and Kristen's discerning taste, it's all worth exploring. But I have to admit that I get an even bigger thrill out of bringing a new artist to their attention - and getting a nod of...

Do You Want to Know a Secret?

Do You Want to Know a Secret?

Thanks to my "slopey" shoulders, I have an incredibly difficult time finding non-athletic bras with straps that stay up. Reaching into my shirt to reposition the boulder holders has become a part of my regular routine. Since skipping a bra is absolutely not...

When Mini-Adult is Perfectly Acceptable

When Mini-Adult is Perfectly Acceptable

I probably sound like an old fuddy-duddy everytime I go shopping for my kids, but when I see "Chick-magnet" shirts and too-short mini skirts that look like something right off an adult rack, I can't help but cringe a little. Except when...

Bringing the Rat Back

Bringing the Rat Back

I used to look forward to my Chinese great-grandmother's new year celebration every year -- the gorgeous decorations, the yummy food, and new lucky animal. She could even make the boar look cute.But rats? Well, that's a pretty tough task for...

The Alphabet Spells Her Name

The Alphabet Spells Her Name

It was quite a big deal around here when my daughter learned how to spell her name. And now when we're out, she points out every Q, the first letter of her name, anywhere we go--which, really, is almost not annoying after the 134th time. So when I saw this custom ABC...

Robeez Hits the Pavement

Robeez Hits the Pavement

My kids spent most of their crawling and early walking days in Robeez leather booties. But when it was time for them to go outside, I was always bummed that the company didn't offer something that was still like a bootie but had a little more to offer in the sole...

It’s Better to Give and To Receive

It’s Better to Give and To Receive

Feeling feisty? Log onto a mommy message board and tell everyone you're considering doing a "no gift, make a donation in our name instead" birthday party for your kid. You'll be called everything from progressive and cool, to snobby, to a child abuser. Me, I...

The Only Thing Missing is a Diaper Changer

The Only Thing Missing is a Diaper Changer

I've seen grown women fight it out over the need for a changing table on those baby message boards. I understand the problems faced by parents with limited space, but trust me, a diaper change on the bed can go horribly, horribly wrong. Well, if these moms knew about...

Wow, It Really Is a Super Tuesday.

Wow, It Really Is a Super Tuesday.

Some days just get people excited. October 10, 2007 was one of those days in our house, because that was the day Radiohead released their new album online. And as exciting as it was, that much-anticipated day was nothing comparison to today, Feb. 5, 2008. No, not...

Swaddled, Snuggled, and a Little Spoiled

Swaddled, Snuggled, and a Little Spoiled

When you think of swaddlers you don't think of anything particularly luxe. Mostly I conjure up the pilled receiving blanket we swiped from the hospital (shhh). Or at best, some ugly yellow thing that you find on your friend's baby registry. But then I discovered the...

Lucy’s Name in the Sky, Without the Diamonds

Lucy’s Name in the Sky, Without the Diamonds

Thanks to my husband the pilot, I'm definitely into planes as children's room decor; but that doesn't mean I'll just grab any old picture of an aircraft and slap it up on my son's wall. So when I saw artist Bret Herbert's Skywriter series, I had to pick my jaw up off...

The Journey to Adoption Just Got More Beautiful

The Journey to Adoption Just Got More Beautiful

While adoptive parents can certainly document a baby's first steps, first foods, and first booger-flnging incident like any other, the baby book pages about prepartum cravings can be a little awkward in their emptiness. So I think it's absolutely smashing to discover...

Sometimes Six More Weeks of Winter Isn’t So Bad

Sometimes Six More Weeks of Winter Isn’t So Bad

It's only the beginning of February in the Deep South and I've already had it with the cold. But then I was introduced to Kaching Design's new shirts and I realized that maybe I could live with the chilly temps a little longer.San Francisco graphic...

Canine Love

Canine Love

I swear, we don't have a house filled with junk food (so back off, Sanctimommies). Yet for some reason, my toddler already equates each holiday with what crap she will get to eat that day, and candy hearts are on the horizon. Maybe I need to temper Valentine's Day...