Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes

The latest from Spawned, our award-winning parenting podcast

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More coolness from recent weeks…

A New Take on the Good Old A to Z

A New Take on the Good Old A to Z

I had the great fortune of receiving a lovely personalized Ida Pearle print from my gorgeous and brilliant CMP co-editor upon the birth of my son. [Co-editor's Note: I'm funny, too.] So when I learned that Ida had recently released a set of alphabet cards, I couldn't...

Handwashing Should Make You Feel Better Not Worse

Handwashing Should Make You Feel Better Not Worse

I suppose it takes becoming a parent, or in my case, working in a hospital, for you to realize that your own parents knew what they were talking about when it came to the whole handwashing thing. Unfortunately most anti-bacterial soaps contain triclosan, the stuff...

Because Not All Great Gifts Come From Santa

Because Not All Great Gifts Come From Santa

My son has a birthday that falls right after the biggest gift giving holiday of the year, making it a bit hard to figure out what to get him that feels "special." Considering how well he cleaned up at Christmas, it's not easy giving the old guy in the red...

Definitely Beats a Big Sibling T-Shirt

Definitely Beats a Big Sibling T-Shirt

As surprised as I was by my third pregnancy, my older daughter was downright shocked. She may have actually gotten used to the idea more quickly than I did, thanks in part to Making Me: The Pregnancy Activity Book for My Big Brother or Sister. Written by mom Julie...

Nipples to Spare

Nipples to Spare

Ever thought to yourself, nursing's great and all but you know what I could really use? Some spare nipples. Oh admit it, of course you have.  And clearly you're not alone. Which is why the always clever folks at Wry Baby has created just that - a set of extra...

People Safe, Planet Safe

People Safe, Planet Safe

My husband and I go back and forth about my penchant for sleek, modern design versus his love for the old-fashioned basics. But what we don't argue about is our desire for safe, environmentally conscious furniture for our children.I just may be able to tip him...

The Amazing Adventures of SuperChloe

The Amazing Adventures of SuperChloe

I think every kid should have a costume chest (or costume closet if you have a big house like my sister-in-law). Boy or girl, there's no better rainy day activity than pretending to be a butterfly or an alien or a superhero firefighting princess.The handmade capes...

Aprons That Get an A

Aprons That Get an A

As much as I love those cute flouncy cotton kid's aprons, frankly, they're no match for a toddler and a spatula full of brownie batter. So I absolutely fell in love with the kids aprons from Beansoup the second I took mine out of the package. The first thing that...

We’ve Come a Long Way, Baby

We’ve Come a Long Way, Baby

Regardless of how you stand on the candidate herself, the fact that there's a woman leading more than one presidential poll is pretty awesome. We've come a long way from the 70s when they ran ads in the back of Ms. Magazine for tees proclaiming A Woman's' Place is in...

Royally Rocking

Royally Rocking

Right now, with writers striking and award shows canceling, we're in need of some good entertaining. Thank goodness for Princess Katie & Racer Steve stepping in to save the day by pre-releasing Fast & Feisty, a fast (and feisty) tribute to all that's great...

Our Kind of Princess

Our Kind of Princess

With a princess-obsessed three year-old, I'm always on the lookout for pretty much any book that has absolutely nothing to do with them. And yes, I know it's cruel to cut her off entirely from the little crowned ladies just because they drive me nuts. So if you've got...

Mommy = 1, Wiggly Baby = 0

Mommy = 1, Wiggly Baby = 0

I used to think baby clothes with snaps were the best solution for a wiry, wiggly baby. And then my brute of a son came along, and it was like wrestling a greased squealing pig into pajamas.So take my advice ye mothers-to-be, and invest in a few kimono tops, like the...

A Face Cream A Mother Could Love

A Face Cream A Mother Could Love

Lately my skin is starting to look...well, like it's winter. Like the air is cold, the heat is dry, and more than a wee bit of holiday cheer has taken its toll. A detox is in order, inside and out. If you know what I'm saying (and I know you know what I'm saying),...

Virtual Showers, Real Presents (Yeah!)

Virtual Showers, Real Presents (Yeah!)

While we would hope that all of our bestest friends and relatives could fly/drive/hitchhike on over just to shower our babies-to-be with the requisite 84 receiving blankets, it doesn't always work that way. For a better alternative than some virtual internetty-thing,...



While I love having two daughters to shop for in the wardrobe department, I absolutely love picking out nursery art for little guys. I suppose my tastes run a bit darker than the average girl's - more demented space aliens, fewer happy ballerinas. Needless to say, I...

Details, Details

Details, Details

Much to some people's surprise, I'm a fairly crafty person. That's not to say you'll see me making my son a commemorative first birthday quilt or anything, but I do what I can to add personalized touches for parties and special occasions.Even so, I'm willing to ask...

Heads Turning Heads

Heads Turning Heads

I love that we've still got a good few months of hat-wearing weather in my neck of the woods, only partly because my bald baby rocks the chapeaux rather nicely without all those fussy locks to get in the way. Our latest happening haberdashery find: The awesome...



Thanks to the toy recalls, I am much more concerned about where and how the toys I'm purchasing for my kids are made. But it's not always as easy to get the backstory on your playthings as Fair Trade Sports makes it.Perhaps it doesn't seem like having a certified fair...

Decorating With Florals

Decorating With Florals

New Year's not being what I had hoped for (i.e. We both passed out well before midnight) we've got a bit of a leftover stash of bubbly in the fridge. So my plan is to crack it open and turn a few regular old Tuesdays into something more special. And when I do, I want...