Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes
The latest from Spawned, our award-winning parenting podcast
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More coolness from recent weeks…
Baby’s First Mink
New baby gifts are relatively easy to shop for – unless you’re talking about baby number two. Or three. Or–eek–six. If you’re looking for something for the mom who has it all, you’ve got to stop thinking about must-haves, and start thinking about don’t-needs-but-really-really-wants.
Bagging Bears and Bunnies
If your kids are anything like mine, they have an obscene amount of stuffed animals and while I can’t prove it, I’m almost positive that they multiply just like real rabbits because the pile never stops growing.
Santa Baby
If my daughter had her way, she’d wear her Christmas outfit every single day. However, the fancy silk number just doesn’t fare well with her choice of daily activities. Like, say, spilling things on herself.
Zen and the Art of Baby Dressing
When I brought my firstborn home from the hospital, I was hit with the unreasonable urge to discard anything rough that might come in contact with her fragile infant skin. It seemed criminal to let anything but the most butter-soft fabrics touch those downy limbs. My husband had to draw the line when I threatened to tear up the wool carpet in the living room.
Boo Boo Kiddie
I’ve always thought there’s just something slightly undignified about walking around with a sack of frozen peas on your postpartum boobs when they’re engorged. And while your kids might not mind frozen foods on their owies, I happen to think everyone would feel a lot better using Baby Blue Cat Designs’ absolutely gorgeous Boo Boo Bags instead.
Man Purses? Really Not Fooling Anyone
If your husband’s like mine, he refuses to carry any sort of diaper bag. I’ve tried Camo messenger bags, hulking backpacks and indie-rock totes, but nooooooo. He has rejected each and every one. So when I saw the Dad Gear Diaper Vest at Emmy and Ally, it was like the clouds parted and all was well in the world.
Stop: Hammer Time
When I was in middle school, I should have failed Home Economics. I burned my banana bread in cooking class, and the blouse for my final sewing project might have fit had my head been the same size as my arms. But woodshop–now that, I aced. And Aunt Ginny loved her new birdhouse.
Way Better Than Stale, Chalky Hannukah Chocolate
It’s not easy finding The Perfect Gift eight times in a row. No wonder my parents always pushed us to opt for the "one big gift" on Hannukah instead of the eight little ones. Consider your list now reduced to seven.
Kids In the Hood
I just came to the realization that the hooded towels Iown cover only about half of my 2-year-old daughter’s body. No wonder she’s always shivering after bathtime.
Wrappers Delight
I’m a lover, not a wrapper. My version of creative holiday giftwrapping involves creating a messy patchwork of paper from mismatched leftover scraps.
Siblings With Style
The time has come for me to search for the perfect big sister shirt for my daughter. But, I’m not so much for the sparkley stick figures designs or the cutesie kid-style typefaces I keep coming across.
We’re all finally getting the message that sunscreen is not optional, particularly for the sensitive skin of little ones in our lives. But what about protecting those beautiful baby blues or greens or browns?
Girlie Tees, Hold the Saccharine
Lately, the SigOth has been dressing our daughter in the navy, red and olive garments that he’d wear himself. I’ve been insisting that we’d get fewer, "oh, how old is he?" remarks if we girled her up just a wee bit more.
Not Just Any Book Will Do
The lovely yet ill-conceived baby book is almost a guaranteed shower gift. While we all love to keep track of the milestones as best we can, let’s be honest, those early days are exhausting. If you’re going to spend the energy keeping track of details, it’s not going to be things like "the outfit baby wore on her sixth day" or "the date he got his fourteenth tooth"
“My Baby is Due In January. Is it Too Early to Apply to Preschools?”
In most cities in America, the stress of getting into college is a distant second to the stress of getting into preschool. Because of course not getting into the right preschool will take your child down a path of misery, destitution, or possibly a career in fast food service.
Stationery Gone Wild
If you’ve got kids, then you know what it’s like to have a pack of wild animals roaming around. They make strange noises, they eat everything in sight, and they leave disasters in their wake. Even little girls do it – if you need proof, I’ll send pictures.
A Parent’s Thanksgiving Lifesaver
Now you don't have to feel bad going back for seconds (or thirteenths). Only 3.79 at Now if only we could find the tryptophan coma remedy. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Now go overdo it--you know you want to.
But What About the Mom?
After the labor, delivery, and oh yeah, the pain, don’t moms deserve a little more than yet another six-pack of infant socks, or worse, one of those scary looking diaper cakes? While we’re all grateful for every baby gift we receive, it’s easy to feel a little, well, forgotten, amidst all the new baby commotion.
Playlist by Zanes
If you haven’t heard of Dan Zanes, you haven’t been through labor and delivery. Or at least not in good long time. While many families Zanes for his folksy, sing-along musical style, his "House Party" videos on the Disney Channel, and above all, his wild hair, Zanes also frequently lends his name and his talent to some important causes.
Been There, Worn That
We constantly come across maternity tee-shirts with cheeky statements that try to fend off questions like, "when are you due?" or "what are you having?" But personally, I'd rather spend my money on clothes I'll actually be able to wear after the...
Chinese Laundry
Recently a friend of mine arrived home with her beautiful new daughter – a thirteen month-old from China. I love how she’s making an effort to help her child retain aspects of her heritage, even as she assimilates into her new home. A perfect gift for her–or any new parent, come to think of it–is one of the Chinese Satin Baby Blankets from Graceful Kate Designs.