by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast, Holiday Gift Guide
As we close out the year (phew, what a year it’s been, we wanted to devote our last episode of Spawned 2021 to cool picks of the week. Holiday style. Whether you still have time to grab one last-minute, or you want to bookmark them for holidays, and other...
by Kristen Chase | Spawned Podcast
This week, we’re taking a little break to catch up on all of the things (anyone else feeling overwhelmed?) by sharing a Spawned podcast episode from a couple of years ago with a message we could all use right now. Back in 2019, author Nancy Davis Kho, shared how...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast, Tips + Tricks
If you’ve ever struggled to connect with your kids, help them solve problems, open up to you, or just give you more than a one-word answer when you ask how school was today…well, help is here! We have had a lot of favorite Spawned podcast guests over the...
by Kristen Chase | Spawned Podcast
In the course of our parenting lives, we make a whole lot of decisions, so when I read Emily Oster’s most recent book The Family Firm, which offers a very smart, data-driven method to decision making, I really wanted to chat with her on our Spawned podcast. But...
by Liz Gumbinner | Spawned Podcast
As we head into the holiday season, which can be filled with the abundance of food, gifts, and celebrations, we know that a lot of us struggle with all the excess. It’s valuable for us to slow down as parents, and consider ways to help develop and express more...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast, Health, Fitness + Wellbeing, Kids
While some of us (including Kristen and myself) are rejoicing about the approval of the Covid-19 vaccine for kids 5-11, we know that a lot of parents still have questions. As you should! This is our kids we’re talking about, and as parents, we research...
by Kristen Chase | Spawned Podcast
If your kids are like our kids, they are obsessed with Minecraft. Still! Kids of all ages are loving this game, and well, let’s just say, it’s here to stay. That’s why we were so glad to welcome former Cool Mom Picks associate editor, now New York...
by Kristen Chase | Spawned Podcast, Books for Adults
We know that over the last few years in particular, many of us have felt extra activated to help make change in the world. But if we’re honest, engaging in activism can be exhausting and at times, soul sucking. Well, our good friend, life coach and author Karen...
by Liz Gumbinner | Spawned Podcast, Books for Adults
We’ve talked a long time on Cool Mom Tech about the importance of raising responsible digital citizens. And one thing we know: However old your kids, it’s never too early — or too late — to learn a few new parenting tips to keep our kids safe...
by Kristen Chase | Spawned Podcast
It’s probably no surprise that I’m a big children’s picture book fangirl, considering I’ve got my own children’s picture book coming out in late 2023, so when I got the opportunity to interview Stephanie V.M. Lucianovic and Vashti...