5 must-haves for chic summer travel

5 must-haves for chic summer travel

If you haven’t yet checked out the beautifully designed online style mag, CeciStyle, from the custom stationers of Ceci New York, we think you might like it. In fact, today is a pretty good day to do that very thing. Not coincidentally, we’ve even...
A mom ring for the chronically undainty

A mom ring for the chronically undainty

Anyone who knows me will tell you: I’m not dainty. And so much of the personalized jewelry for moms that I see is polished silver, beautifully engraved curlicues, glass photos, and things that, in general, I would break on contact. But this custom ring has...
Honestly wonderful news for moms and babies

Honestly wonderful news for moms and babies

Editor’s note: Due to a few technical difficulties, the store will be running by end of May for individual purchases. I always love finding more choices for safe, non-toxic baby products for my family, which is exactly why I was so excited to discover The Honest...
A special book for a mama’s special thoughts

A special book for a mama’s special thoughts

When our daughter was born, I did what so many mamas do: I started a baby book. I wanted to capture everything about her, along with the wonderment of being a new mom; I’d lost my own mother to cancer a year earlier, to the date, and I thought writing about...