Talk about Pop Art

Talk about Pop Art

I’m a huge fan of Robert Subuda and Matthew Reinhart’s pop up children’s books. My son’s copies from the Encyclopedia Prehistorica series show the wear and tear of well-read books. So why am I not surprised that I am awestruck by their...
Not your mama’s flowers

Not your mama’s flowers

Saying you love me with flowers is great, but on Mother’s Day, please don’t get me a smiling kitten n’ rainbow mug full of carnations and daisies. I’d much rather have a bed of bamboo accented by one gorgeous orchid, or maybe some sparkling...
A plate filled with love

A plate filled with love

Of course we want to make sure that each and every mom is treated like the goddess she is on Mother’s Day, but it’s also important to make sure that grandmas are not overlooked. After all, they had a little something to do with each of us being parents,...
Psssst, your roots are showing

Psssst, your roots are showing

Traditional family trees may be great for tracing your family’s history back several generations, but this handmade custom family tree print from the Cozy Blue shop on Etsy is anything but your traditional family tree. Mainly because it only features your little...
The heart–and art–of a mother

The heart–and art–of a mother

One of the most amazing aspects of being speakers and attendees at the recent Mom 2.0 summit, a conference from the collaborative team of Kirtsy and The Tasteful Life, was the joy of attending the launch of the unbelievable Mom 2.0: Defining a Movement Art Exhibit....