Behold! Willie Wonka’s disco ball.

Behold! Willie Wonka’s disco ball.

If Willie Wonka owned a skating rink, his disco ball would be a Candelier, and the Oompa Loompas would do synchronized skating in Gobstopper suits on a frozen chocolate lake, and…What’s a Candelier? I’m glad you asked.First our favorite imaginative...
Where the wild things art.

Where the wild things art.

I have a cow when my little deers jump on the couch, but I’d be lion if I didn’t confess to fawning over the crazy creatures at WildLifePrints, a fun new shop on Etsy. (Ha sorry, couldn’t resist.)Award-winning photographer Jeff Friesen wanted to meld...
Make your picture worth more than a thousand words

Make your picture worth more than a thousand words

It’s all well and good when I shoot a picture or two off to my parents from my phone while the kids are at an event, but then sometimes I forget (or don’t have time) to type in a complete explanation. Later, my dad calls me up and says, That was great, but...
Wallpaper is back, baby

Wallpaper is back, baby

When I hear the word wallpaper, it conjures up really bad images of this odd looking flower pattern that completely covered my bathroom wall growing up. It a nutshell – it scares me. But thanks to advances in technology and design, wallpaper is again becoming a...
Oh, The Pictures You’ll Take!

Oh, The Pictures You’ll Take!

My daughter loves Dr. Seuss. She also loves the camera on my iPhone. Put these together and you have a four year old in Seussian snap happy heaven, and a mother who can’t check her e-mail or play Words With Friends when her kid is around.The Dr. Seuss Camera,...