The Rorshack Mobile

The Rorshack Mobile

I have a soft spot for felt crafts, pun only intended a little. So of course when I discovered UK etsy shop Lupin from brilliant felt crafter Laura Howard, of course I got click happy. The brooches are darling of course, but I really swooned over this abstract felt...
Let the Mommy Cards Do the Talking

Let the Mommy Cards Do the Talking

Who among us hasn’t scribbled her digits on a gum wrapper at the park? I have, and ended up handing off my work business card just a few weeks ago when I met a new mom/daughter pair at the children’s museum. Do I really want my new friend to call me at the...
Don’t Forget

Don’t Forget

Do you consider yourself brilliant and utterly intelligent? How about busy? And forgetful? If so, then we have found the to-do list for you. Just jot down your must-dos, don’t-forgets, and gotta-gets on this pretty little set of cards, right under the heading...
Boys Need Cool Cards Too

Boys Need Cool Cards Too

You’d think that with all the girlie cards and personalized notes out there that boys would just let their sisters write all their thank-yous for them. Yeah, well not in my house.Okay, so my son is only 12 months, but for those of you with big boys, check out...
Childrens Art Meets Night Light

Childrens Art Meets Night Light

I’m the first to espouse the powers of the night light in helping make bedtime (and those nighttime wakings) easier. But then there’s the ones you have to remember to turn off so they don’t burn out. Oh, and the ones that are more like a spotlight...