LEGO moderne

LEGO moderne

I always thought that LEGOs were cute for making walls and towers, maybe the occasional weird angular horses or something. I honestly had no idea that now you could make, oh, say…the Guggenheim Museum. Right in time for the NY landmark’s 50th anniversary....
Season of the rabbit

Season of the rabbit

There are some mass produced stuffed animals, like Ugly Dolls, that I really love, but there is something extra special about buying a handmade toy, like Oliver Rabbit from Rachelod on Esty. Rachel O’Donnell designed these soft, cotton stuffed rabbits to have...
Baby’s first squid

Baby’s first squid

Hard as I try, my kids are not the most adventurous eaters on the planet. But when it comes to teething, my daughter will put almost anything in her mouth. Funny how that works.So I am totally cracking up at the squid teething toy made exclusively for mom-run boutique...
Coloring is serious business

Coloring is serious business

Of course every parent thinks every scribble their child does is a collectible masterpiece, but in the case of the Coloring Can Be Funny coloring book, I think it’s kinda true. Talented, ?ber-hip artist, S. Britt, turned a bunch of his whimsical doodles into...
It’s hip to be rectangular

It’s hip to be rectangular

With all the building toys in my three-kid household, I find it amusing that their new favorite is a box of same-sized, non-painted, rectangular pieces of wood from CitiBlocs. You can almost hear all the other blocks protesting, “But I’m colorful!”,...
Jungle love

Jungle love

If your kids are like my kids, then it doesn’t matter what the toys were intended for, they all still end up in their mouths. Hence my appreciation for the new sets of pretending and teething toys from Little Alouette. Hand carved from maple wood with...
Love me tender

Love me tender

After inheriting yet another useless stuffed animal courtesy of my in-laws, I have officially put the kibosh on any and all such toys. With one exception, of course. The King.If you’re an Elvis lover, his spirit and likeness can now live on in your own home with...