by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
This is a message from our sponsor. Books always make the most wonderful baby and shower gifts, and now there’s a new board book that needs to be on every shelf in every nursery. Who? A Celebration of Babies is all about babies…and love. Babies love their...
by Caroline Siegrist | Art + Decor
Now that my son’s vertical, I’ve been on the hunt for cool, modern growth charts to track his changing height. Because while pencil markings on the doorframe are cool and all, I’m trying use a growth chart and to put off drawing on the walls until...
by Caroline Siegrist | Books for Adults
I’ve been so glad to see more books about self-care for moms, especially since there are so many books on how to care for babies that leave us out of the equation, more or less. Strong as a Mother: How to Stay Healthy, Happy, and (Most Importantly) Sane from...
by Kate Etue | Art + Decor
How hard was it to pick the perfect name for your baby? Ugh. My husband and I discussed (and debated) for months over the merits of different names, and name meaning always came into play. In fact, we even threw out some good contenders just because we didn’t...
by Caroline Siegrist | Baby
My son basically lived in an Ergobaby carrier for the first 6 months of his life, especially during the daytime. While he slept decently at night, he totally refused to go down in his big crib during the day (hence the Ergobaby). So as we start thinking about having a...
by Liz Gumbinner | Tips + Tricks, Baby
How many times have you heard this: Sleep when the baby sleeps. Oh man, did I want to throttle everyone who gave me that TOTALLY SMART BUT UNATTAINABLE ADVICE when my kids were newborns. Mostly because I was tired. But also because there’s just so much to do...
by Caroline Siegrist | Baby, Easter Gifts
Since my own one-year-old son is just old enough to start appreciating the magic of Easter for the first time,I had the best time looking for cute first Easter gifts for babies like mine. I landed on the idea of bunny gifts and accessories, because duh, bunnies...