Have a heart on Valentine’s Day

Have a heart on Valentine’s Day

We were first introduced to the Children’s Heart Foundation when we donated the proceeds from last year’s color-your-own Valentine’s Day card contest to their worthy efforts. So this year, we figured it was timely to remember their fantastic cause on...
A mellow baby is the very best kind

A mellow baby is the very best kind

My older three kids gave me a heck of a time when it came to taking a bottle, so with number four, I’m determined to find one that she not only takes, but doesn’t add to the challenge with extra gas. And I may have just found the answer with the new Mellow...
Know what your school needs? A bar.

Know what your school needs? A bar.

Could your local school use a salad bar? Because I sure know that ours could. Well, believe it or not, you can possibly get one –free– thanks to a grant by the Salad Bar Project.But you need to hurry. Chef Ann Cooper, Whole Foods, and TheLunchBox.org are...
HappyBaby = HappyMama

HappyBaby = HappyMama

Kids like snacks. Like, really, really like them. Understatement of the year, right? I truly believe that if I just had a constant supply of snack-type foods on hand, my children would eat all day. And I have a sneaking –or is it snacking?– suspicion that...
Maia – Not your average yogurt

Maia – Not your average yogurt

I’d like to think of myself as somewhat of a yogurt connoisseur. I grew up on Dannon and over the years have tried everything from the healthy and organic to the junky and gimmicky. And apparently I’ve passed on the yogurt gene to my son because the first...