The lazy mom’s smoothie

The lazy mom’s smoothie

My kids are fruit-eating machines, which is great except for when we get the urge to make a smoothie and have only a sad spotted banana left on the counter. Short of planting my own orchard, I’m happy to have discovered the new all-natural Chiquita Smoothies...
A little squeez’ll do ya

A little squeez’ll do ya

I have to admit that the drinkable foods sort of freak me out. Applesauce with no spoon? Oh, the horror. But wouldn’t you know it, my kids can suck down the GoGo Squeez resealable applesauce in one huge gulp.Even I find myself getting over my issues and...
GoPicnic – The real happy meals

GoPicnic – The real happy meals

With my daughter entering kindergarten in the fall, I must now add “pack a lunch” to my list of duties–something that is clearly not my fort?. So at least I know that in a pinch, I’ve got the GoPicnic kids Mighty Munch meals to turn to. These...
Making shots less shot-like

Making shots less shot-like

I think I can safely state that most parents would like to spare their children as much trauma as possible, which is why I was intrigued by the concept of the Buzzy. This FDA-approved plastic bee uses mechanical vibrations to “confuse” nerve endings,...
Holding out for a hero

Holding out for a hero

It seems that turning four has brought us into the world of dramatics, particularly when we fall down and even just barely bump our knee on the carpet. And by we I mean not me. Instead of appeasing my daughter with our stash of bandaids, I’ve been using the Hero...
Because You Pushed it Real Good

Because You Pushed it Real Good

Of all the unspeakables that go along with pregnancy, can we agree that hemorrhoids take the cake? Chances are if you pushed out a baby, you’ve got a few of your very own, um, badges of honor. Thanks to parent-owned  Least Likely 2 Breed (who CMP readers might...
Paging Dr. Mom

Paging Dr. Mom

Seems like every time my girls and I hit the neighborhood playground, there’s a mini injury of some sort. We’ve had the bee sting, the bloody nose, the scraped knee, and the invisible boo-boo that needs more TLC than Neosporin. You know the one. The...