by Kate Etue | Toys + Playthings, Books for Kids
My kids are obsessed with their dry erase boards (it’s the little things, you know?). In fact, my daughter has figured out she can use the dry erase markers on her glossy coloring book covers and wipe those down too. Now, they’re playing games like teacher...
by Lexi Petronis | Valentine's Day, Cards + Stationery
It can be a little tough finding printable Valentine’s Day cards for boys. Now that my son is 6, in just a year he’s gone from happily handing out heart cards to insisting on anything with a lightsaber, a zombie, or ideally, a lightsaber-wielding zombie....
by Caroline Siegrist | DIY
Valentine’s Day is already upon us and we’ve found some of the sweetest Valentine’s Day crafts for kids from some of our favorite bloggers, DIY-ers, and clever makers. Whether you want to embrace the mess with your preschoolers, or you’re...
by Kate Etue | Books for Kids
Once again, we’re happy to have compiled the best lists of all the best children’s books of the year, curated by the top publishers, reviewers, organizations, and bloggers we respect. And boy, was it a fantastic year for children’s literature and...
by Caroline Siegrist | DIY
I know that the days before Christmas can seem unusually long, especially when kids are out of school and the presents are taunting them (my nieces’ word, not mine). So if you’ve got a household of over-excited kids, we’ve got just the thing to help...
by Georgette Gilmore | Doing Good
Around the holidays, if you’re like me, you’re probably thinking about gratitude, which means you may be feeling more generous than usual about now. And, you might be thinking about some ways to log some year-end charitable donations before the clock...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Uncategorized
I might be 39, but in many ways, 2016 was the year I became an actual adult. Both my father and grandmother died, my daughter got mean-girled, my son started his first real sport, I suffered some health setbacks, and I had to sell my beloved horse. I even cut my hair...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Toys + Playthings
Very little in life is as terrifying as being handed a wad of cash by desperate parents asking you to find a group teacher gift that’s meaningful, memorable, and not a lifetime supply of Best Teacher Ever mugs. This year, you can forego the stack of Starbucks...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast
With so many holiday dilemmas and conundrums, we decided to ask you, our awesome readers and listeners, what holiday questions you’d love to hear us answer on the air. And wow, you delivered! On this extra special, extended version of Spawned with Kristen and...
by Liz Gumbinner | Food + Recipes
We’ve recently become Cheryl’s Cookies converts around here, after having received a generous gift basket delivery of their buttercream cookies. (Now that’s a friend.) And now…they’re our newest sponsor! Which makes us very happy. If,...