Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes

The latest from Spawned, our award-winning parenting podcast

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More coolness from recent weeks…

Petite Luxe: French for What Recession?

Petite Luxe: French for What Recession?

La vie really is pretty rose-y if you're looking at it from the pov of new online shop Petit Luxe. If you've got a francophile in you yearning to breathe free - or just super picky taste in baby gifts and gear, you're going to fall in love like a newlywed couple...

Oprah’s Book Club Just Got a Little Competition

Oprah’s Book Club Just Got a Little Competition

We realize that a good book, be it for your own weary eyes or your kid's, can be pretty hard to come by these days. So, lucky for you, we've rounded up all our past and present book picks into one CMP Book Club and put them all our shop page. Whether you're looking...

Photograph Our Girls Wearing This, Vanity Fair

Photograph Our Girls Wearing This, Vanity Fair

No, this is not another Miley Cyrus post. But with all the mixed messages our tween girls are getting in the media, sometimes it's nice to shower them with the idea that we love them just the way they are. (Yes, I just quoted Billy Joel. So sue me.)Jan Thomas' Loved...

“Photo Album” Doesn’t Do It Justice

“Photo Album” Doesn’t Do It Justice

I figure if I'm going to take the time and trouble to print my favorite photos, I sure as heck won't be putting them in some album off the drugstore rack. But the gorgeous books from Enji Beck? Most certainly worthy of my precious 4x6's.Handmade by artist Angela...

Oh Deer

Oh Deer

Every time I see a friend's nursery with decals on the wall, I think rats, that's what I should have done. Especially since at not quite three, my oldest daughter is already expressing rather strong preferences about what may and may not be displayed in her room. Wall...

Birds of a Feather Rattle Together

Birds of a Feather Rattle Together

Considering the BlaBla handknit animal rattles were my son's ultimate favorite, I was super excited to find out about their new line of little birdie rattles. (See, I knew there was a good reason that I got pregnant again).This adorable line of six music-themed bird...

I Enjoy Being a Girl

I Enjoy Being a Girl

I might not be a huge fan of the lacy froo-froo get-ups for my daughter, but that doesn't mean I can't get sucked in by some of our awesome girlie picks - like these custom wool felt crowns from Cakies. Granted, they're not really that girlie, except for those of us...

Lanolin Goes Beyond Nipples

Lanolin Goes Beyond Nipples

Ask just about any former nursing mother about lanolin and she'll flinch and cross her arms over her chest. I'm having a nasty flashback myself now. Believe it or not, lanolin can be used on other parts of your body too, like those chapped lips that are an inevitable...

Sitting Still is Highly Overrated

Sitting Still is Highly Overrated

At first glance, the shell-shaped plastic Bilibo seemed sort of odd to me. Is it a seat? A stool? Another container for junk? I was skeptical when it came our way to say the least. But then I gave it to my three-year-old and she literally played with it for a solid...

Ignoring Your Parents Just Got a Little Harder

Ignoring Your Parents Just Got a Little Harder

Everyone knows that Jet Blue is God's gift to traveling families. Even those who turn their noses up at TV for kids have to be at least secretly psyched for a few hours of Nickelodeon distraction. But I do admit a little hesitance to stick those earphones on my kids....

Nursing Pads That Stem Both Leakage and Landfills

Nursing Pads That Stem Both Leakage and Landfills

While I'll readily admit that I'm not the greenest mama out there, it's not for lack of trying. Let's face it: a lot of environmentally friendly products aren't as effective as their counterparts - and they're more expensive. I have no interest in spending more money...

Sk*rt Is Now Kirtsy. Cool.

What is cool? This site. And now it's got an even cooler name: Kirtsy. Just makes you want to flit around in a little floral twirly skirt to the Nutcracker Suite, doesn't it?Click over and check out the same awesome link sharing, same enjoyable time suck. In fact,...

A Princess Book for Anti-Princess Parents

A Princess Book for Anti-Princess Parents

Despite my husband and my efforts to foist sidewalk chalk and softball bats on my daughter, she prefers the sparkly, the frilly, and the delicate. I've often changed the words to fairy tales while reading them to her because they seem so dang sexist. Enter Princess...

The Medela Freestyle: Holy Heck, It Actually Works

The Medela Freestyle: Holy Heck, It Actually Works

You'll never guess what I was doing while I typed this post. Even if you guess, you'll never believe it. I didn't believe it either.I was pumping. Given my dubious relationship with my old breast pump, which caused total work stoppage (and parental incompetence) three...