Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes

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More coolness from recent weeks…

5th Avenue Slings

5th Avenue Slings

If you thought slings were just for the crunchy moms–well, first, you haven’t been reading Cool Mom Picks very carefully. (We’ll have a talk about that later.)

Dolls Made in Not China

Dolls Made in Not China

As I sit here, gazing at my four month-old as she sucks the end of a silver rattle, I know I’m doing the right thing in limiting the mass-produced plastic garbage that enters our house. And enters her hands. And thus, enters her mouth. My latest focus: Dolls.

Psst…Pass It On

Psst…Pass It On

While there’s no shortage of layettes out there for sale, I’m always on the lookout for items that are worthy of being handed down through the generations.

The Bird is on the Wing. And the Ceiling.

The Bird is on the Wing. And the Ceiling.

Considering a mobile is essentially the centerpiece of your nursery, parents might consider putting as much thought into it as the bedding. But alas, most people just settle for the lame mass-produced mobiles that the big baby stores merchandise along with the cribs.



I’m loving linoleum block prints lately. There’s something about this ye olde time-y way of putting image to paper that actually feels really fresh amongst today’s sea of clean-lined computer generated design.

Crochet Isn’t Just for Sweaters

Crochet Isn’t Just for Sweaters

After surviving yet another summer, I’m more than ready for that glorious Fall sweater weather. The only problem is that I live in the South, and that crisp air probably won’t be hitting my face until late November (if I’m lucky).

Best Editing of a Motion Picture Goes To…

Best Editing of a Motion Picture Goes To…

Like all parents in this digital age, I’ve taken thousands of photos of my two girls. I’ve captured those "firsts" both big and small, but it’s not easy to share those precious moments with friends and family without making them suffer through 75 nearly identical shots of, say, "first spit up."

Ironic Tees: Now With More Irony

Ironic Tees: Now With More Irony

There are no shortage of ironic materni-tees, a few of which we’ve highlighted here on Cool Mom Picks. But for every funny tee I come across, I can always think of my own saying that Iknowbe a winner.

A Dress You Take Out for a Spin

A Dress You Take Out for a Spin

It’s a rare girl who can resist a bit of twirl. If you haven’t spun around in a billowy dress until you were so dizzy you staggered and fell down on the lawn, well, you haven’t lived.

The Horsepower of Babble

The Horsepower of Babble

The only upside to the drab colors of most car seats is that bodily fluids blend in well. Otherwise, ugh. I know safety is the first priority, but car seats look and feel as if they were fashioned from Aunt Martha’s ancient sofa.

Say My Name, Say My Name

Say My Name, Say My Name

As a certifiable word nerd, I’m not a fan of children’s books that seem to be written by marketers and not authors. While I like a good gimmick as much as the next parent, I also want a book that’s worth reading once you get beyond the “look what a cool idea!” stage.