No compromise mom jewelry

No compromise mom jewelry

It really pains me to compromise my jewelry choices because I’m a mom, but when you’re chasing after three kids under five most of the day you just can’t wear the same delicate, dangly bracelets that get caught on everything if you’re doing...
The anti-cameo cameo necklace

The anti-cameo cameo necklace

I was just poking around Etsy (I do that a lot) and I came across a link to the KnitKnit shop from Brooklyn artist Nguyen Le. And there I spotted this incredible cameo necklace and just fell in love. Or rather, it looks like a cameo, but it’s actually all needle...
Now that’s a push present.

Now that’s a push present.

I know it’s exorbitant. I know it’s indulgent. But when I saw the handmade solid gold globe charms from Heather B. Moore jewelry recently, I just fell in love. You can customize them with teeny diamond (or two or ten) in a spot you choose, which is just...
Chill, groceries. Chill.

Chill, groceries. Chill.

I love that the eco-bag revolution has taken over to the degree that even the nasty, old supermarket in my neighborhood is trying to encourage the use of reusable grocery bags. But one thing I’ve realized is that those cute canvas totes don’t do a lot in...
A jewelry idea that just sort of popped out

A jewelry idea that just sort of popped out

You can always tell a great jewelry artist when you want to wear pretty much everything she makes. And that’s just how I’d describe the innovative stainless steel pop-out jewelry from Houston artist Melissa Borrell. Just like those old cool plastic toys in...
Make every day a good hair day

Make every day a good hair day

I can’t believe I’m already thinking of holiday accessories but, yup, I am. Mainly because I’ll be among those “shopping my closet” this year and looking to update old looks with affordable new accessories.On a wild Etsy tear this week, I...
These necklaces have me spinning

These necklaces have me spinning

My birthday is coming up soon. Okay, two months. But why wait until the last minute to start dropping hints about wanting a new piece of jewelry? And by hints I mean Honey, get me a Torus necklace this year or sleep with one eye open.First let me say that these...
Keds stomps out breast cancer

Keds stomps out breast cancer

I’m not entirely a fan of a pink ribbon as a fashion statement, even if it is supporting a great cause. Generally I think you can just give that money directly to the cause and make your own pink or red or white ribbon to wear on your jacket. But in the case of...