Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes

The latest from Spawned, our award-winning parenting podcast

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More coolness from recent weeks…

Baby videos actually entertaining for mamas too.

Baby videos actually entertaining for mamas too.

Now that I've got three children, I've given up trying to protect the youngest from his older sisters' tastes in TV shows. Is it cliché to mention that I saw Road Runner get clobbered at least a thousand times as a kid, and I'm still an upstanding member of...

Yo Homes, to Bel Air!

Yo Homes, to Bel Air!

Now if I told you that Sir Hayes, the kids' label emblematic of urban Brooklyn chic, was making a onesie inspired by "Carlton," what would you think that means? Because when I got wind of it, right away a single image popped into my head: Alphonso Ribeiro in his...

One banana, two banana, three banana, four…

One banana, two banana, three banana, four…

It's not that there aren't great television and music options for the kids that are new, it's that the resurgence of our old favorites brings a nostalgic tear to our eyes. I can clearly remember dancing around to the groovy tunes of The Banana Splits back in my youth,...

A Bowl With Magical Powers? We Wish.

A Bowl With Magical Powers? We Wish.

Considering I have yet to figure out the formula that will make my son eat even one vegetable consistently without tossing it at my head, I'm willing to try anything, like this Gimme Veggie bowl from London trained clay artist May Luk.Perhaps it's silly to think that...

Monkey Bread for Your Little Monkeys

Monkey Bread for Your Little Monkeys

There is no shame in cooking with baking mixes or prepared foods, although I have a pretty stringent list of criteria for them to make it into my shopping cart. I am delighted to discover that the Monkey Bread mixes from Lollipop Tree pass with flying colors.Organic?...

Eeboo – Going Green Through Flash Cards

Eeboo – Going Green Through Flash Cards

I'm always on the lookout for ways to teach my four-year-old about conservation other than asking her to turn off the lights 400 times a day (followed by my long boring speech about saving the earth). Thankfully, Eeboo has created these cool Respect the Earth...

Kicking Butt and Taking Names

Kicking Butt and Taking Names

Maybe it's because I'm surrounded by way too many pretty princess shirts (thanks, in-laws) or that my daughter has threatened to start liking "Hantana." But when I see a shirt like the Kickin' Girl from Appaman, it's hard for me not to take notice. Especially because...

…but she’s got the biggest rings of them all

…but she’s got the biggest rings of them all

I have been standing by observing the current "big ring" craze and wishing to be someone I'm not. The fact of the matter is that I'm a dreadful klutz, and I have long eschewed wearing even a normal-sized ring with a raised stone because I will invariably either get it...

Learning the Write Way (*Rim Shot*)

Learning the Write Way (*Rim Shot*)

As my big girl heads off to first grade (sob), I'm at home with a little girl who wants to do everything her big sister does, including learning the very same things. The mom-run company, Write Way to Learn, is going to be a huge help to me this fall with their...

babysusu – Boys Love Cashmere Too

babysusu – Boys Love Cashmere Too

My mother-in-law is always bugging me about what she should get my son. Sadly, my indecision has led to a showering of scary expensive outfits (emphasis on the scary part) that just end up collecting dust in his closet. So if you've got a grandmom...

Eat My Chalk Dust

Eat My Chalk Dust

We've been evangelists for room decor-by-decal (and decal and decal and decal and decal) from the beginning. Just search our site for "decal." There's lots. In part because we know that tastes change faster than you can say ooh, look at that nail hole in the wall, and...

Comic Book Fans, Start Your Appetites

Comic Book Fans, Start Your Appetites

When I got married (the first time... ahem), we received endless items from Crate and Barrel. And don't get me wrong, it's all very useful stuff, but... well... plain. Boring. So color me surprised to see that C&B's younger, hipper sibling, CB2, has spawned a trio...