Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes

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More coolness from recent weeks…

Thank You Cards with Attitude

Thank You Cards with Attitude

I had my fair share of hearty chuckles after discovering Motherhood with Attitude's hilarious greeting cards last year. So when co-owner Janalee Chmel clued me in to their new Thank You Card Box Set, it's no wonder I nearly peed my pants again. And not just...

Woolyhoodwinks – Very cute, very existential

Woolyhoodwinks – Very cute, very existential

While I may not always feel smartre enough for Sartre, The Woollyhoodwinks vs. the Dark Patch is one for this existentialist. With a mix of cute handmade sock-puppet-looking things (the aforementioned Woollyhoodwinks) and whimsical sentences that shock and please with...

The Great Hoodini

The Great Hoodini

With fall rapidly approaching, I've been on the lookout for the perfect jacket for my toddler son. Since I live in the South, it can be hard to find a jacket that's light enough for our short fall season, but that's hearty enough to get us through our mostly mild...

Mama For Obama? Cool T-Shirts On Tap.

Mama For Obama? Cool T-Shirts On Tap.

Cool Mom Picks takes no official position on the presidential candidates besides keeping our eyes out for the coolest tees of the season on both sides of the aisles. Apologies to the GOP readers amongst us, but I believe the winner goes to (ding ding ding) the funky...

One Good Egg

One Good Egg

In my 20's, I'd go to a small dark club in Rhode Island to watch obscure indie rock bands play loud, jangly music.  We were a fairly homogeneous group, save for one earplugged little girl of about 3 who would sit on her dad's shoulders and watch her mom play the...

What What? Monster Butt

What What? Monster Butt

I'm generally not so keen on clothes that emphasize a baby's already cute-as-it-is butt with ruffles and words like, um...juicy. But a monster -- like the one on Sckoon's Ha Ha Tee and Monkey Pant Set? Cripes, I can't think of anything more fittingly adorable for a...

Cool Mom Picks loves Parents Magazine

Cool Mom Picks loves Parents Magazine

If you're one of the millions of moms who, like us, pass the time in the OB waiting room by flipping through Parents Magazine and then sneak it out in your bag (shhhhhh!), chances are you might have caught Cool Mom Picks co-founder and editor Liz Gumbinner...

Made in China? Absolutely.

Made in China? Absolutely.

When it comes to buying gifts for my friend's kids, I really try hard to find unique items that no one else would think of, but aren't so obscure that the poor kid has to ask his parents what the heck it is.Enter the Dumpling Dynasty Explorer Kit, one of a slew of...

iglooplay: Go Jump On The Furniture

iglooplay: Go Jump On The Furniture

Have you ever entered a room in which the kids have been playing (usually too quietly) only to find that they have rearranged all the couch and chair cushions so that they can walk (tumble, jump) around the entire room without stepping on the (enchanted quicksand)...

Yadda Yadda Yadda Blah Blah Blah

Yadda Yadda Yadda Blah Blah Blah

You wouldn't think a bunch of blabbermouths like our family would need help starting a conversation, but I've got to thank The Chatterbox for providing some welcome encouragement in that area. Instead of questions about obscure Baby Boomer-era trivia, the cards are...

A Parade of Organics

A Parade of Organics

My favorite baby clothes were always the beefy cotton ones - just good, simple soft basics that felt cushy and cozy, that I knew wouldn't start to look worn or faded after a few weeks of the puke-wash-puke-wash cycle. Parade Organic's Pure Collection would have fit...

Can It, Kids

Can It, Kids

Despite my insistence that it would never happen, the toys have in fact eaten our living room whole. I evidently can't keep the toy animals and crayons and blocks and play silks restricted to the kids' room, so the least I an do is find some storage that works with...

Breathing New Life Into That Old Bjorn

Breathing New Life Into That Old Bjorn

Thanks to Cool Mom Picks, I've expanded my babywearing horizons to include wraps and slings, but I can never abandon my beloved Swedish front carrier standby, no matter how much drool coats its surface. However thanks to My Little Roo, I can dress up my old standby in...

Mrs. Moon Lullabies for Bedtime. And Crafters.

Mrs. Moon Lullabies for Bedtime. And Crafters.

I have yet to figure out why for most lullaby books, the illustrations seem to be an afterthought. I suppose the justification is that if the words are effective enough, the kids eyes will be shut? Or something. Not so Clare Beaton's Mrs. Moon: Lullabies for Bedtime....

Definitely spongeworthy

Definitely spongeworthy

The siren song of convenience is strong, even for a greenie like me, and at times I've been compelled to some of those one-use cleaning wipes. I never feel right about it though, so I switched back to a bright purple sponge to use with organic all-purpose cleaner....

Hipster Babies: Your Clothes Are Ready

Hipster Babies: Your Clothes Are Ready

Wish as I may that I could dress my kids in retro hipster clothing, the combination of my southern locale and my preppy husband make it a look that I just don't think we can pull off. But if you've got a kid that can sport a derby to the park, then he's definitely got...

Jellio Furniture – Roald Dahl Would Be Proud

Jellio Furniture – Roald Dahl Would Be Proud

I am not of the mindset that children's furniture should be serious - or any furniture for that matter. Give me some bright lime green plastic dining room seats over a set of stern Teutonic stiff-backed chairs any day. Oh wait, I already have them. No surprise then...

Over the Rabbit Moon

Over the Rabbit Moon

As I was perusing the selection of fall boys clothes at my regular haunts I noticed one overwhelming commonality: Unless you're into super duper trendy duds or have a taste for the alternative, artsy stuff, the regular boy clothes are pretty darn cheesy. Just give me...