Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes

The latest from Spawned, our award-winning parenting podcast

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More coolness from recent weeks…

Adios, Baby Puke

Adios, Baby Puke

Moms are well aware that the cute burp cloths we all get for shower gifts are rarely in reach the moment we need them.

Ode to Joya

Ode to Joya

I’m not quite sure how having a baby translates into the desire to babify everything you own. Just because I might dress my baby in cute baby-ish patterns doesn’t mean I want them all over my own accessories.

The Pampered Pampers-Wearer

The Pampered Pampers-Wearer

When I think of portable changing mats, "plush" isn’t exactly the first word that pops to mind. Perhaps "practical." Or "free with diaper bag." But not so much "plush."

Nononono…I’M Tiger Woods

Nononono…I’M Tiger Woods

Everyone’s favorite Tiger reportedly shot a 48 on a nine-hole course by the ripe old age of two. That seems unbelievably early to me as far as getting the kids swinging, but hey, if you have a budding golf enthusiast (with kabillions in endorsement potential), then we’ve got your gear

“Who Effed Up The Toys???”

“Who Effed Up The Toys???”

I can’t take credit for the headline – it’s was written by my friend Karen as the subject of an email she sent yesterday, alerting us all to yet another toy recall. I’m ready to just dump anything in the toy chest that wasn’t made by hand out from virgin pine by monks.

Keepsakes for the Keeping

Keepsakes for the Keeping

The point of a keepsake, from what I understand, is that you actually want to keep it. I might be crazy here, but I think that’s the gist of it.

Get In Mah Belly!

Get In Mah Belly!

Like many dutiful first time mothers, I took pictures of my growing belly (and unfortunately, thighs and butt) every month until I had my daughter. But what exactly are you supposed to do with those photos? And don’t say "screen saver."

Recommended by Doctor Mom. And Us.

Recommended by Doctor Mom. And Us.

When I met the delightful MD Moms behind the innovative MD Moms line of baby products, I instantly wanted to take them home with me so they could dispense calming pediatric advice even at wee hours of the morning. Okay, and free baby products too.

Announcements Worthy of the Postage Hike

Announcements Worthy of the Postage Hike

Baby announcements aren’t really intended to announce the baby, nor are they a solicitation of gifts. Let’s be honest, baby announcements are meant solely to knock the socks off your friends and family.

There’s More to Spanish Than “Vamanos, Dora!”

There’s More to Spanish Than “Vamanos, Dora!”

I’m proud to say I speak Spanish. I’m not fluent or anything, but I can handle basic conversations. OK, OK, I’ll admit it: All the Spanish I know I learned from episodes of Sesame Street. But I can count to veinte quite convincingly and order a Corona.

Looking Smart

Looking Smart

I admit to being a bit skeptical when it comes to all these baby products that promote early learning. Is it really necessary to label a baby spoon and bowl with words and pictures?

Pregnant and Polished

Pregnant and Polished

Like there aren’t enough things you have to give up when you’re pregnant (sushi, Pinot Noir, catcalls from construction workers) now people are getting all waffle-y on nailpolish. Excuse me, but give up my weekend pedicures? Not happening.

Felt Up

Felt Up

We’ve done our best here at Cool Mom Picks to highlight fantastic alternatives to typical baby hair clips. But what we’ve discovered is that when your kid actually gets enough hair for real accessories, it’s as though the designers just take all the creepy infant hair bows and just make them bigger. Meets Flea Market Meets Flea Market

Perhaps you bought a few items (before discovering Cool Mom Picks of course) and realize now that you don’t want them. Here are a few solutions to minimizes your carbon footprint, as the kids say today.