Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes

The latest from Spawned, our award-winning parenting podcast

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More coolness from recent weeks…

Water Babies

Water Babies

Despite my irrational fear of fish touching me in the ocean (damn you, Spielberg!) I wanted to make sure my daughters fell in love with the water from the start.

Pearls for the Not-So-Into-Pearls Set

Pearls for the Not-So-Into-Pearls Set

I’ve never been the Grace Kelly type, although I certainly admired her style. I just couldn’t pull off a pearl choker over a cashmere twin set without looking like I was in a costume. But boy do I like pearls.

Flights of Fancy

Flights of Fancy

Sometimes I come across one-of-a-kind artwork that’s just so wow, I’m almost tempted not to share it here. Because if you like it before I get around to clicking "add to my cart," I lose.

Dream Dolls

Dream Dolls

If I were a designer, I would create excellent dolls that looked like turkey on rye. But thank goodness designer Esther Schuivens is Esther Schuivens, and her line of fabulous Esthex softies are inspired by a non-sandwich cast of characters.

Who Doesn’t Like Jimmies?

Who Doesn’t Like Jimmies?

God love the Wonderpets soundtrack, but I’m just about one long car ride away from "accidentally" cracking the CD in half. So on a recent trip, I was happy to have another CD on hand to try out: The premier album from NY-based kids band, The Jimmies, Make Your Own Someday: Silly Songs for the Shorter Set.

Stuck on Stickers

Stuck on Stickers

My daughter has officially reached that very important developmental milestone known as the sticker age. If it’s got an adhesive back, then to her it’s the single greatest thing since ice cream–Scotch tape included.

The Itsy Bitsy Yet Totally Stylish and Even a Little Avant-Garde Spider

The Itsy Bitsy Yet Totally Stylish and Even a Little Avant-Garde Spider

I am all for spending a little more on an article of kid’s clothing if it’s gorgeous, well made, good for multiple uses, and particularly if it’s supporting a small business. And now that I have a second daughter, I’ve got a new trick: Just look at any price and divide it in half – 50% for each child. Isn’t justification wonderful?

The Grand Canyon: Not Just a Big Hole in the Ground

The Grand Canyon: Not Just a Big Hole in the Ground

I’m an old-fashioned kind of mom. You won’t find tubes of yogurt in my refrigerator, licensed characters on my kids’ sheets, or a portable DVD player in my car. I don’t care whether we’re driving five miles or flying five hundred miles – Dora is not my co-pilot.

Merit Badges for Diaper Changing? Right On.

Merit Badges for Diaper Changing? Right On.

The one drawback to Mother’s Day is that it gives some people the idea that you only need to be thanked, rewarded, and otherwise showered with praise one day a year. Beg to differ. We (I) need all the gratuitous "good job" and "you’re pretty" type accolades we (I) can get.

That’s Mr. Posh Spice To You

That’s Mr. Posh Spice To You

As our nation’s kids head back to school–and soccer practice–with visions of bending it like the newly green carded David Beckham, I say get them a little gear to go with the aspirations.

Once in a Blue Moon, Farts Aren’t Funny

Once in a Blue Moon, Farts Aren’t Funny

If you had a cranky, gassy baby like my daughter, then you know how terribly frustrating it can be. And while there’s no shortage of products to help relieve bloated bellies, not all of them work for every baby.

Rockin the ‘garten

Rockin the ‘garten

It’s an understatement to say that my daughter is thrilled about her first day of kindergarten. She’s already selected her outfit and has been mulling over backpacks. But she also has a gazillion questions

The Many Colors of Babies

The Many Colors of Babies

As a bi-racial woman raising a multi-racial child in a homogenous suburban neighborhood, it’s challenging to provide my daughter with a wide range of cultural experiences. In plain speak: All the kids are white!