Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes

The latest from Spawned, our award-winning parenting podcast

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More coolness from recent weeks…

Do Babies All Have to Be Einsteins?

Do Babies All Have to Be Einsteins?

If you gave birth within the last ten years, the odds are about 4 in 5 that you’ve got one of those make your baby a rocket scientist DVDs on your shelf. Because even if you steered away from such things yourself, someone else thought it was a fabulous shower gift. Am I right?

Like You Needed Another Reason to Buy More Books

Like You Needed Another Reason to Buy More Books

At the request of my husband, I have curtailed my purchases of hordes of children’s books for my avid little reader. And while being relegated to the library isn’t such a bad thing, there’s something about a crisp new book that I just can’t let go of.

Made In the Shade

Made In the Shade

I can’t be the only one who, in a fit of desperation, draped a receiving blanket over the top of my stroller to shield my sleeping baby from the sun. And I certainly can’t be the only one who couldn’t enjoy the silence of a napping child because I was totally sure she was deprived of oxygen under there.

The Thymes They Are A-Changin’

The Thymes They Are A-Changin’

I’ve been a fan of The Thymes line of bath and beauty products ever since the sigOth and I first spotted them in a great boutique on vacation years ago. He wanted the fig leaf-cassis candle, I wanted the lavender lotion. We compromised – by buying forty different things.

Pocketbook On Wheels

Pocketbook On Wheels

Since we all know that women only buy cars based on the cupholders (is my scarcasm coming across?) the same might go for strollers. Then again, the top strollers don’t necessarily have the best Diet Coke storage, to say nothing of easy access to all your other junk.

Party Animals

Party Animals

I’m a firm believer that children can appreciate the tunes as they were intended to be heard–i.e. singers that don’t make you pray for an irreparable crack in the CD–if you just give them a chance. Which is why the CMP staff have always been such fans of the Putumayo Kids series of music.

How Naughty Can They Be If They Don’t Pee on Your Bed?

How Naughty Can They Be If They Don’t Pee on Your Bed?

My sigOth thinks I’m mean when I tell him I’m getting rid of half of my kid’s stuffed animals, but when she isn’t yet two and the collection is are taking up more of the crib than she does(to say nothing of the living room and two toy boxes), I think it’s time to start paring down. And then I come across these.

A Bicycle Built for Two Year Olds

A Bicycle Built for Two Year Olds

It took me three years to figure out that my daughter doesn’t care what the heck her ride-on toy looks like, just so long as it has wheels and she doesn’t have to work them. As for me…well, I care.

Vamos A La Playa

Vamos A La Playa

I’m all for a cute halter bikini on me (when I’m in my best possible shape) but on my 3 year old? Call me a fuddy-duddy butI’d prefer something that covers her just a bit more. Besides, slathering suntan lotion all over a constantly moving little body every hour is too darn hard. I say, more fabric!

Future Jeff Gordons, Have a Seat

Future Jeff Gordons, Have a Seat

For some reason I’m always paralyzed when it comes to picking out kids’ furniture. Every time I see something I’m sure I want, I find something else and thus never end up with anything at all.

Taming Flyaways with Flies

Taming Flyaways with Flies

My friend’s daughter has a thing for bugs. Each year, her mom throws a birthday bash with insect-themed decorations and goody bags. The problem is finding unique gifts for this bug-crazy gal that she doesn’t already have.

Here Kid, Darn My Socks

Here Kid, Darn My Socks

I’ve learned not to invest too much in craft supplies for every new project that strikes my girls’ fancy. One moment you’re bringing home fabric paints and the next they’re like, "No mom, we want the Bedazzler!" Both of which, by the way, will end up in the back of a closet before you know it.

Oh, Those Pesky UV Rays

Oh, Those Pesky UV Rays

I have never understood why sunblock is scented like pina coladas, particularly for kids. Do you really want your child smelling like a drunken cruise ship tourist stumbling around Key West?



While I’m grateful for all the lightweight summer blankets I’ve received for my new baby, I still wanted something warm and cuddly for those overly frigid stores, restaurants, and my grandmother’s condo in Florida, a.k.a. The Air Conditioning Capital of the World.

Ooooooooh La La!

Ooooooooh La La!

Wee see a whoooole lotta onesies trying to track down cool products to review here. You have no idea how many onesies. Easily a million. So when we tell you we’ve come across ones that are fabulously unique and that you must click over immediately, heed our words.