Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes

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More coolness from recent weeks…

Crazy Legs McGee

Crazy Legs McGee

While I’m not wholeheartedly welcoming back 80s trends like leggings and cinched belts over long sweaters (Earth to fashion designers, come in…) I am delighted about leg warmers. You heard me, leg warmers. But only because I’m not the one expected to wear them.

One-Stop Rocking

One-Stop Rocking

Wouldn’t it be amazing if there was one site that sold all the cool music that CMP recommends? And wouldn’t it be even more amazing if you didn’t have to dig through a bunch of other music–the kind we don’t recommend–on that site to find the good stuff that has been carefully tucked away?

Moses Should Have Been So Lucky

Moses Should Have Been So Lucky

With child #1, I was obsessed with that baby mega-store’s registry list. And while I got all the practical items that I may or may not have needed, this time I’m hoping for a few splurges that I’ve been coveting. Take for example the extraordinary moses baskets from Baby Starlet.

One Size Fits Bump

One Size Fits Bump

At 6 months pregnant, I’m alreadywearing a size large in most of my shirts. Okay, all of them. And even then, I’m still pulling down my not-so-flattering shirt to cover the band that barely keeps my pants up.

C is for Cure

C is for Cure

My mother-in-law successfully beat breast cancer several years ago, and while she doesn’t talk about it much, we all know it’s a cause she adamantly supports.We do our best to buy breast cancer stamps and wear any pink ribbon paraphernalia she sends us, but I’m always on the look out for something extraordinary that expresses our support for her courageous battle.

Return to (Stylish) Sender

Return to (Stylish) Sender

After addressing way too manyof my two-year-old’s birthday invites, I realized the onlyreturn address labels I had werethe free ones from charities that remind you you still need to send them a little something-something in return. These labels aren’t so bad on a credit card bill, but perhaps not the greatest choice for my fancy photo cards and personal letters.

What They Don’t Tell You In Lamaze Class

What They Don’t Tell You In Lamaze Class

Topping my list of things they really should teach you in your birthing class but don’t (and it’s a long list, believe me) is the variety of afflictions affecting your nether regions, post-baby. Who knew it would be like giving birth all over again!

Luka-ing Good

Luka-ing Good

I know it’s only October, but those gift-giving holidays are just around the corner. And while we know your spouse or sigOth is probably a savvy gift giver, it can’t hurt to gently nudge him in a particular direction.

Adopting Style

Adopting Style

I just received an email from a friend who’s recently returned from Kyrgyzstan with his beautiful new adopted daughter. Another friend is currently in China on a similar mission, and then CMP received an email from the author of a popular adoption blog–all of which made us realize that the adoptive parents market is underserved when it comes to cool gear.

Keeping the Baby Dry. Outside the Diaper at Least.

Keeping the Baby Dry. Outside the Diaper at Least.

Despite my reaction to the contrary at my baby shower, I soon realized that one can never have too many blankets.. Some are lightweight, some are warm, some work for swaddling, some are so ugly, they’re just the thing to toss in the car trunk for emergencies. The one kind of blanket I could have used but didn’t get – something waterproof.

Keeping a High Profile

Keeping a High Profile

I’m always thrilled to bits to get personal, handwritten notes. But I can’t help but snicker when I get a thank you note supposedly written in first-person by a newborn. Are the new parents already outsourcing their chores to these (clearly gifted) children? Call me a skeptic, but I’m pretty sure I can recognize adult handwriting.

Works Like a Diaper Bag, Feels Like a Purse

Works Like a Diaper Bag, Feels Like a Purse

I admit that at first, I fell victim to the ugly pricy diaper bag. Then I transitioned to the large purse, which has worked well for me since my daughter reached toddlerdom. However, with #2 arriving in a few months and the threat of leaky bottles looming, it’s time to go back to the world of bags made to handle spills and messes.

Cop A Feel, Save A Life

Cop A Feel, Save A Life

Today marks the beginning of breast cancer awareness month. While seeking out some cool but under-the-radar organizations affiliated with the cause, one of the first we fell in love with isFeel Your Boobies. And that was just on the name alone.

Rub a Dub Dub, No Toys in My Tub

Rub a Dub Dub, No Toys in My Tub

There’s nothing like anticipating that glorious, uninterrupted, naptime shower only to have to spend an extra ten minutes emptying out all the darn bath toys that are scattered around the bottom of the tub. And the net thing? Please. That holds one rubber duck and my scrub brush, if that.

Handwashing Fun (You Heard Me)

Handwashing Fun (You Heard Me)

With all the lovely fall and winter illnesses headed our way, plus the whole potty training thing looming, I figure it’s time to get the hand washing thing down. Except in my daughter’s mind, you’d think that "washing up" was another expression for "getting a shot."

Maybe Pooh Needs a New Home

Maybe Pooh Needs a New Home

I won’t go into exactly how many stuffed animals I have lying around my house, but I will say that I recently sent a few into on an extended trip to "toy vacation land" in order to make room on my daughter’s bed for, well, my daughter.

The Fashionable Binkie

The Fashionable Binkie

I’m a little weird when it comes to my baby’s pacifier. While of course I’ll pop in the closest one at hand at bedtime (or during meltdowns), it makes me a little wonky to give her say, the purple one when she’s wearing green and orange. Her dad thinks I’m nuts. But my feeling is, as long as we have one that matches the outfit, why not use it?

Your Business is Our Business

Your Business is Our Business

If you read Cool Mom Picks for all of about 10 seconds, you’ll realize we’re huge supporters of the community of mom-trepreneurs. We know how hard it can be to get a business off a ground, particularly while chasing small children around, and so part of our mission is to help get the word out about cool stuff that moms are making and selling.