Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes

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More coolness from recent weeks…

Cute as Kit

Cute as Kit

Kitbooks_1After reading Winnie the Pooh and Tvbutton_7 Curious George two times a day for how many weeks, I think we are all ready for a change. So I ordered a set of Kit Allen’s children’s books.

Tastes Like Chicken

Tastes Like Chicken

MaharfeltfoodI have a great set of hand-me-down dishes from my childhood ‚Äì plates, cups, teapots, silverware — the works. However, there’s one big problem when my girls try to have a pretend picnic or tea party: no play food to speak of.



Dirty fingers. Dirty butts. Dirty all of the above! Being a mom means wiping pretty much everything so why not do it in style? Introducing the chic for cheeks, Made by Angie handmade baby wipe containers - for the savvy Mom who's tired of the blah-blah-whatever wipe...

Once Upon a Time There Was This MP3…

Once Upon a Time There Was This MP3…

Hard to believe, but your computer’s MP3 player can be more than a repository of embarrassing one-hit wonders and Lite FM ballads. It can also be a source for encouraging your children’s love of literature.

We’re Not Only Cool, but a Little Crazy to Boot

We’re Not Only Cool, but a Little Crazy to Boot

We here at Cool Mom Picks understand the important role of the television in your home. How else would you pee in peace and have a great excuse to put off that last load of laundry? But, we also know that sometimes, the boob tube can begin to rule the household and...

The Parenthacks website: That Wasn’t In The Manual

The Parenthacks website: That Wasn’t In The Manual

Feeling a little disappointed with that Dr. Expert parenting book that everyone raved about? Would you rather have a root canal sans novocaine than listen to yet another round of "well-meaning" advice from your mother-in-law? Does it seem like NOBODY on the planet has...

Pack Up Your Trumpet in Your Old Kit Bag…

Pack Up Your Trumpet in Your Old Kit Bag…

Do you honestly think you are ever going to pull out your old 6th grade band saxophone and play a little "Tequila" for your family and friends? And please don't tell me you plan on taking lessons again or are saving it for your kids. I have a feeling that...

The Mother’s Day Gift That Keeps on Giving

The Mother’s Day Gift That Keeps on Giving

While it's nice to see your spousal unit wiggle and squirm in an attempt to figure out what the heck to get you for mother's day, I imagine you probably don't need yet another "I Love Mom" necklace or beaded stretch bracelet. So, why not consider having a...

There’s a New Shoe in Town

There’s a New Shoe in Town

GreendotIf I see another baby wearing those ubiquitous soft-leather soled shoes, I may lose it. Sure the fairy princesses and blue songbirds are kind of cute, but let’s face it, they’re getting overplayed.

Let Someone Else Remember For You

Let Someone Else Remember For You

You look at your calendar and realize you've forgotten your mother-in-law's birthday. You jump online and send her a crappy e-card that she won't be able to open anyway because she still uses dial-up. And even if she can get to it, it's going to take her 2-hours to...

How the West Was Drooled All Over

How the West Was Drooled All Over

CowboyblankieNow that cowboys have emerged as the hot subculture du jour, marketers are jumping all over it. ("Ballad of High Noon" ring tone, anyone?) But the most appropriate use of the cowboy motif as far as we’re concerned is on gifts for little boys.

Leggo of your Lego

Leggo of your Lego

I hit the jackpot today. My couch cushion diving expedition uncovered $2.32, a pen, some cheerios, and way too many LEGOs. It's general parenting knowledge that if you have a kid, you have LEGOs, and they are everywhere. So, instead of throwing them back in the...

Attention Future Rock Stars

Attention Future Rock Stars

Handstitched and cool - two words that perk up our ears at Cool Mom Picks. So it's not surprising at all that we're enamoured of 60 Bugs, a website whose tagline is, appropriately, handstitched coolness. Designer Debbie Lee hand-embroiders bibs, pillowcases, and tees,...

Baby’s First Martini

Baby’s First Martini

The drinking age may be 21 but the way we see it, that gives your child plenty of time to get his James Bond impression down before he shows it off in public. My First Martini, the latest offering from the makers of My First Beer Garden, is the perfect size for your...

Hey, There’s Shmutz on This Bib!

Hey, There’s Shmutz on This Bib!

With Passover just around the corner, we searched far and wide for a great item for baby's first Seder. We stopped when we found this clever cotton bib. Shmutz (Yiddish for a little mess) will pretty much sum up the state of affairs if your little mensch takes a...