Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes

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More coolness from recent weeks…

Brag Smaller

Brag Smaller

I’m not a brag book kind of gal. It’s not that I don’t love showing off pics of my daughter–just ask anyone who’s ever come within six inches of me over the past year–it’s that I don’t need yet one more big thing to weigh down my already overloaded bag.

A Stylish Alternative to Vicodin

A Stylish Alternative to Vicodin

If baby #2 is anything like baby #1, you will rarely see me without a tot in my arms. Combine that with the toil of chasing around a three-year-old, and my back just might not be able to hack it without heavy medication.

Old and Improved

Old and Improved

There is no shortage of great blankets out there to keep your newborn warm, from traditional baby blues and sweet pinks, to retro-modern hipster designs in every shade of chartreuse. But what if you’re yearning for a blanket like the one you had back (ahem,cough) years ago when you were a wee one?

Off The Pages and Onto Your Wall

Off The Pages and Onto Your Wall

If you’re anything like me, you love looking at children’s books as much as your kids do. Okay, so maybe not the one I have to read fifteen times a day. But I do fantasize about some of the illustrators coming over to my house and jazzing up my daughter’s room.

One Less Battle in the Morning

One Less Battle in the Morning

We have arrived at the highly unanticipated "I can do it myself" stage in our household.Unfortunately, that includes thingsthat my daughter really can’t do herself, like chopping vegetables with a big pointy knife. So in order to maintain some semblance of my sanity, I’m in the market for anything that fosters independence–and won’t cut off her fingers.

I Got The Check

I Got The Check

Check writing may not be as efficient as a debit card or as satisfying as handling actual cash, but to me it’s enjoyable in an old-fashioned pen to paper sort of way. But then again, I still own casette tapes.

What’s Bub Got to Do With It?

What’s Bub Got to Do With It?

When my daughter is a bit older, she’s definitely going to be embarrassed by the nicknames I’ve given her, some of which are so long and absurd, they sound like a combination of Russian and Chinese as said by a person rolling marbles around in her mouth.

Go, Baby-O

Go, Baby-O

Is your rendition of If You’re Happy and You Know It boring you and your toddler to tears? Could your Wheels on the Bus could use a little somethin’ somethin’? If so, Baby Loves Jazz: Go Baby Go is just what you need to rediscover the fun – and the funk – in kiddie tunes.

Thanks, Made it Myself

Thanks, Made it Myself

Whenever Hillary Lang posts photos of her crafty creations on her blog, Wee Wonderfuls, I sigh and try to imagine what it must be like to have that kind of talent. Mending a sock or sewing on a button, I can handle. Anything more complex gets outsourced.

Now This is the Way to Brag

Now This is the Way to Brag

My daughter is definitely an early bloomer when it comes to artwork. She’s already drawing faces that are a step above a massive scribble fest (if I do say so myself). But there’s only so much you can do with 25 notebooks full of toddler art.

Wearing Your Dirty Laundry

Wearing Your Dirty Laundry

I love getting my tees for my friends' kids because I know they actually get worn. (Unlike a few of the things we've received--enough said?) But a gift needs to be something a little more special than your average, run-of-the mill Hanes undershirt with a decal, and...

For Those About To Be Born We Salute You

For Those About To Be Born We Salute You

When I was pregnant, I spent roughly 400 thousand hours, give or take, looking for the right birth announcements. Nothing seemed to be…me. Not the pink bows, not the pink gingham, not the pink polka dots. And certainly notall thoseducks.

Flour Power

Flour Power

Cupcakes are arguably nature’s perfect food. I don’t think it’s possible to ever be angry at anyone or anything when you’re eating a cupcake.

If Mommy Doesn’t Know, Ask Yagyu

If Mommy Doesn’t Know, Ask Yagyu

I have a feeling my daughter is going to be one ofthose kids. You know, the ones who ask incessant questions like "Why do we have five fingers? or "What areankle bones for?" or "Why does Daddy have one eyebrow?"And the good mom that I am, I will look it up on Google. Or more likely, just fake it.

M is for Mandelbrot Fractal Set

M is for Mandelbrot Fractal Set

There is no law that says that A has to be for Apple and B has to be for Banana. Especially if you’re one of those edumacated households with perhaps a mathematician or a chemical engineer at the dinner table.

This Might Even Fend Off the Mother-in-Law

This Might Even Fend Off the Mother-in-Law

Baby naming is a big deal. With our first child, we made the mistake of telling everyone our name choices. But when our in-laws countered with a list of "appropriate" names, we realized we should have kept our mouths shut.

Seeing Read

Seeing Read

When a recent trip left me pondering The Complete Works of Shakespeare versus How to Fix The Kitchen Sink as potential beach reads, I realized I had a problem. The shelves in my home library are overflowing with nonfiction and kids’ books, but the fictional reading selections are positively uninspiring.