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More coolness from recent weeks…

These Designs are a Chou-In

These Designs are a Chou-In

Chouette2While I love the loose picture inserts in announcements and holidays cards, I find that it’s very hard for the picture to actually make it out of the card and onto my fridge without getting crumpled, folded, or dirty.

Mother’s Day Shopping For a Cause

Mother’s Day Shopping For a Cause

Still haven't done your Mother's Day shopping? Or maybe you have but you're looking for some fun shopping just because. Well why not do it for a cause by shopping for great gifts benefiting St. Jude Children's Hospital. St. Jude Hospital, named after the patron saint...

Misogynists, Read No Further

Misogynists, Read No Further

When my daughter was born, I made a vow: no clothing with sayings like future hottie or future runway model. I mean come on, she's a baby. Not a bulimic-in-training. Apparently I'm not alone in my convictions. TIred of all the negative, sexual, and egotistical slogans...

Liquid-Filled Assets

Liquid-Filled Assets

Brashort2 If your husband gets turned on seeing you in a stretched-out, colostrum-stained, saggy, no-underwire, cotton nursing bra, then congratulations. You hit the marital jackpot.

Rise Up, Moms!

Rise Up, Moms!

"Women shouldn't be discriminated against simply because they are mothers." Any organization with a manifesto like that has our full attention. Introducing Moms Rising, a new organization that's creating a grassroots movement of moms on the internet (hey, that's you!)...

PopPop? Uncle Marty? Who are They?

PopPop? Uncle Marty? Who are They?

As a military family, we do our best to keep everyone posted on the goings on of the first grandchild. But, let's face it, I can barely keep track of my own relatives, let alone my husband's huge family. And, while we try to send dvds and get our daughter to talk on...

Have a Tres Chic Earth Day

Have a Tres Chic Earth Day

MyownbagHey, we kind of like the environment. You know, since it lets us breathe and eat and all that kind of stuff. But at the same time, we’re moms, and we know that while we want the earth to be around for a very long time, we still need things to be reasonably simple and convenient.

I See a Cool Preggo Shirt in Your Future

I See a Cool Preggo Shirt in Your Future

FortuneteesHey moms-to-be: Tired of the same-old "I used to be a parachute" t-shirt offerings at your local maternity store? Looking for a clever way to tell the world about your upcoming arrival? Well, I predict a successful purchase in your future.

All That Glitters

All That Glitters

I'm not sure if it's because I've been living in Mississippi too long (the pizazz capital of the world), or if I'm really a 3-year-old trapped in a woman's body - but in either case, I heart glitter. However, as a new mama and a domestic engineer, I realize that it...

Attention Nursing Mamas: Step Away From The Poncho

Attention Nursing Mamas: Step Away From The Poncho

While I was a poncho-wearing breastfeeder myself, let’s face it – ponchos are a little last year. And unless you like to wear wool in June, they’re not so great for temperature moderation in the warmer months (which is pretty much all but two, for my fellow Southern state dwellers).

Jesus Christ, Fashion Superstar

Jesus Christ, Fashion Superstar

JesusjoggersWe’ve come to that time of year when all not-so-good Christians, including me, make their annual pilgrimage to the big house for cleansing and renewal. But just because I don’t go to church on a regular basis doesn’t mean I don’t think Jesus was someone we could all learn from.

Blow Your Refund (or at least part of it)

We know you probably already have every single penny of your tax refund budgeted for the rest of the fiscal year. And being like-minded moms, we bet you most likely didn't set aside any part of that on something for yourself. So today we've decided to give you a few...

All the Small Things

All the Small Things

Being the big tall girl that I am, I tend to gravitate towards clunky heels and big bags. However, when it comes to men (height people, HEIGHT) and jewelry, I'm a sucker for small and fabulous. So, I've set aside a little bit of my surprisingly large tax refund for a...

Go Ahead, Put Your Refund Right Into Your Purse

Go Ahead, Put Your Refund Right Into Your Purse

... Or Diaper bag. Because most likely you keep your wallet where you keep your diapers. Remember when you rocked your it-bag Balenciaga? Your Louis Vuitton Speedy? Your whatever else was hot and hip prebaby? Remember when you actually followed fashion? HA! I know....

Mama Mags, Eat Your Heart Out

Mama Mags, Eat Your Heart Out

Tvbutton_11If you haven’t figured it out yet, we here at Cool Mom Picks like underground, lesser-known, but just as fabulous cool stuff. Nothing against the mainstream parenting paraphernalia, but there’s something about reading a plainly printed, hand folded zine that makes us giddy. It doesn’t hurt that they feature top-notch work from writers slash parents.

Where the Heck is Wyoming?

Where the Heck is Wyoming?

Mappuzzle_1It seems I’ve got a little puzzle glutton on my hands. With a few handy 25-piecers, she reaps intellectual benefits and I get a good 20 minutes of quiet time. However, all that is null and void on car rides since, I’m pretty sure even a genius couldn’t put puzzles together in any type of moving vehicle.

From Briefcase to Diaper Bag

From Briefcase to Diaper Bag

As if the shock of having a newborn wasn’t enough, I think I might have had a harder time adjusting to the change in job from sassy professional gal to stay-at-home-mom. While I was surrounded by a gaggle of career mothers, few could share in my loss of what once was my very precious work.

I’ll Take My Sidewalk to Go

I’ll Take My Sidewalk to Go

AuntartSure, sidewalk chalk is fun and all. That is, until the rain comes. Then youTvbutton_9 are stuck with the same old coloring book or your fancy magnetic art board. But thanks to Gretchen at Aunt Art, you can now bring your sidewalk with you wherever you go.