Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes

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More coolness from recent weeks…

The Family Dinner – So much more than just a cookbook

The Family Dinner – So much more than just a cookbook

There are some women out there who seem to overachieve the pants off of the rest of us. Environmentalist, author, producer and mother of two Laurie David is one of those ladies. Her latest project is The Family Dinner: Great Ways to Connect With Your Kids, One Meal at...

Good things come in small packages containing frames

Good things come in small packages containing frames

It may sound less than surprising, but I still think that a framed photo of the kids makes one of the single best grandparent gifts ever. At least if the photo is fantastic. And the frame is gorgeous. So I'm so happy to hear that Obrien & Schridde, whose...

B. Toys, now with extra holiday spirit

B. Toys, now with extra holiday spirit

While plastic toys tend to fall a bit lower on my own personal shopping list, I wouldn't complain one bit if the brand spankin' never seen before holiday themed toys from B. Toys just happened to fall out of Santa's sack (or Grandma's purse) and under our...

This week on Cool Mom Tech

This week on Cool Mom Tech

Haven't stopped by Cool Mom Tech this week? Here are a few posts definitely worth a peek. A kitchen radio from one of our favorite designers is piquing our geek - definitely not your grandma's AM tuner.The new Kinect for XBox 360 motion-sensor game system is out this...

Jewelry that really makes a statement

Jewelry that really makes a statement

Remember when slogan t-shirts were all the rage? (Yes, I still have my "Frankie Say Relax!" shirt from college.) Well here's a new way for me to express myself through accessories, maybe even a little bit more cleverly than I could do on my own. Melanie Favreau's...

HappyBaby = HappyMama

HappyBaby = HappyMama

Kids like snacks. Like, really, really like them. Understatement of the year, right? I truly believe that if I just had a constant supply of snack-type foods on hand, my children would eat all day. And I have a sneaking --or is it snacking?-- suspicion that they...

Organic crib bedding for the wild at heart

Organic crib bedding for the wild at heart

When I planned my baby's nursery, I obsessed over the furniture, color scheme, storage ideas, art, hamper, family photos, plus which toys to display and which ones to put away. I thought about everything, except what moms think about these days--how and where to go...

Robeez goes organic

Robeez goes organic

This week, I saw the cutest pair of Robeez baby shoes in a local boutique and I ran online to see what else they were up to. Boy the company has come a long way since my 5 year-old was a baby and your choices were basically the fire truck or the flower or the other...

Baby accessories that aren’t just for girls

Baby accessories that aren’t just for girls

I still remember falling in love with Bugalug accessories three years ago when I was pregnant with my second child. The adorable non-slip clips and headbands were the cutest I'd ever seen, made with trendy ribbon designs that were markedly cooler than all the pink...

Give your kids a cooler boost in the car

Give your kids a cooler boost in the car

My son just got his first booster seat for the car. Long after many of his friends. Not because he's small. Just because I haven't been rushing to get him out of the old car seat. It's safe, it's functional and we like it. But there comes a time when every little boy...

An Elmo shirt even I can love

An Elmo shirt even I can love

Given my general loathe for licensed character clothing, it's only fitting that my two-year-old has decided she will only wear clothes with Elmo on them. Makes perfect sense considering she has never actually watched Sesame Street. Ah, toddlers. But since finding this...

Maia – Not your average yogurt

Maia – Not your average yogurt

I'd like to think of myself as somewhat of a yogurt connoisseur. I grew up on Dannon and over the years have tried everything from the healthy and organic to the junky and gimmicky. And apparently I've passed on the yogurt gene to my son because the first thing he...

Holiday cocktail napkins that say it all

Holiday cocktail napkins that say it all

This year I'll be on crutches trying to pull together the perfect holiday meal, which I've already realized is going to have to be super "good enough." So, I've decided I should focus on cocktails, and lots of them. These fun cocktail napkins sum up in five words what...

Designer inspiration, if not designer purchases

Designer inspiration, if not designer purchases

Since having kids, my insatiable hunger for all things art, fashion, and design has been unsatisfied. And rightfully so. I barely have time to eat an actual breakfast, let alone devour the piles of magazines I once looked to for inspiration for my spending habits. But...

Martha Stewart makes cookies in your kitchen

Martha Stewart makes cookies in your kitchen

Every year, I make two kinds of holiday cookies from recipes that have been passed down from my mom. But yummy as the traditional family recipes are, I'm ready to branch out from the same old pecan balls and sugar cookies, and try and start my own new tradition. Now,...

The gift(wrap) that keeps on giving

The gift(wrap) that keeps on giving

I'm not sure which is cooler, the actual lyziwraps reusable gift bags that I just discovered, or the story behind them. They were originally designed by an 8th Grader, for an innovation competition, who was trying to find a way to decrease the amount of waste...

Tres chic for tres cheap!

Tres chic for tres cheap!

It's quite possible that I might never set foot in an actual store again. I mean why bother schlepping outside when everything you could possibly want is a few clicks away? When I say everything, I mean the most gorgeous French designer baby clothes, all at super...

Art meets chocolate. I meet them both and swoon.

Art meets chocolate. I meet them both and swoon.

It's soooo haaaaard to open my inbox and find an email inviting me to sample a new artisanal chocolate bar. Really, it's right up there with letters from Nigerian Princes and notices about my "Paypol Account," but you know. I am so devoted to the readers here, that I...